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Photo and Video Chronology - Kīlauea - February 14, 2003

February 14, 2003

Valentines Day treat; lava below the road


Lava oozing seaward. Ocean visible in background
Lava oozing seaward, toward sea cliff. Ocean visible in background, about 80 meters away.
Flow burns grass on way to sea
Flow burns grass on way to sea, visible in upper right.
Toes of lava oozing from under crust
Toes of lava oozing from under crust and edging the flow a bit closer to the water. Sign and parked vehicles visible through heat shimmer in background.
Thin flow oozing
Thin flow oozing the last few tens of meters to the sea. Vehicle in background is parked at former turnaround; huts were near right edge of image.
Lava toe breaking out
Lava toe breaking out from front of slowly advancing flow about 50 meters from top of sea cliff. This was last toe to form here for more than 30 minutes. Width of toe, about 50 centimeters.
Slab of crust tilted and folded
Slab of crust tilted and folded as lava moves sluggishly underneath. Width of view, about 2 meters.

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