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Photo and Video Chronology - Kīlauea - February 16, 2003

February 16, 2003

Lava at Kohola ocean entry

Rosy-red view of cascades and lava flow on beach
Rosy view of some cascades and lava flow on beach at Kohola ocean entry. Photo taken from vantage point farther west than that used for first image yesterday; that point was near site of nearest cascade. Width of covered beach is 30-50 meters.
Breakout feeding lava into water
Photo taken from same place as image to left, but in daylight. Photographer works near point of nearest cascade in left image, which stopped flowing just after left image was taken. Photographer is at site of most of yesterday's images.
Lava entering ocean with steam rising
Most actual ocean entries are taking place at southwest end of covered beach, as this image shows.


Large breakout feeding water
Detail of largest breakout feeding lava into water (near right of image). Flow is about 7 meters long.
Photographer on top of sea cliff engrossed in lava cascade
Photographer on top of sea cliff engrossed in lava cascade while small flow breaks out nearby. Small surface breakouts are common in this flow above the cliff.
Detail of lava cascade
Detail of flow ignored by photographer.
Lava Cascade down sea cliff and channeled flow
Cascade down sea cliff, and channeled flow it feeds across covered beach. This is what photographer in upper left image was filming. Cascade is 8-10 meters high, and channeled flow reaches 20-30 meters out frometers base of cascade.
Closeup of channeled flow
Detail of channeled flow from farther west.
Cascades off sea cliff at Kohola.
Looking west along sea cliff at Kohola. Main cascade shown above is prominent. Cascade shown in first image today has resumed as a lava falls (left of center). Person on top of cliff gives scale.
Lava flow sneaking eastward across black sand beach
East end of Kohola entry, showing lava flow sneaking eastward across black sand beach. Large image shows incandescence through steam. Person atop distant cliff gives scale.

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