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Photo and Video Chronology - Kīlauea - May 19, 2004

Lava spills from inflating Banana flow

This is a photo of two streams of lava spilling from growing tumulus near front of inflating Banana flow.
Two streams of lava spill from growing tumulus near front of inflating Banana flow.
This is a photo of lava spilling from growing tumulus near front of inflating Banana flow.
Looking down from top of smaller stream in left image. Photographer is is about the same place as in left image. Gray Pacific Ocean in background.


This is a photo of lava spilling from growing tumulus near front of inflating Banana flow.
Person stands just left of site of right image above, 3 minutes later.
This is a photo of lava spilling from an inflating flow.
Another breakout from inflating flow, with Holei Pali in background.


This is a photo of a "gnarly" front of breakout from inflating flow.
Close view of "gnarly" front of breakout from inflating flow. Note the mess of wrinkled and twisted pieces of crust. Width of view, 1 m.
This is a photo of two small toes from breakout from inflating flow.
Order from chaos. Two small toes emerge from twisted mess of left image. The toes are only seconds apart in age, but the older has already developed a thin crust with stretched filaments and bubbles. Width of view, 40 cm.


This is a photo of a deeply wrinkled, almost furrowed, crust on a toe emerging from "gnarly" front.
Deeply wrinkled, almost furrowed, crust on another toe emerging from the "gnarly" front. Width of image, about 50 cm.
This is a photo of furrowed crust on a toe.
Close-up of furrowed crust in left image. This was a hot one. Width of image, 25 cm.


This is a photo of furrowed crust on a toe.
Smaller scale view of same toe with furrowed crust as shown above. Width of toe, about 1 m.
This is a photo of lava spilling down southwest side of inflating Banana flow.
Lava spills down southwest side of inflating Banana flow and slows as slope decreases, causing tangle of folded crust to form. Lava emerges from under crust near top of image. Width of well-defined stream, about 1 m.


This is a photo of ropy, tangled crust on lava.
Closer view of left side of ropy, tangled crust in right image above. Some lavas escapes the mess, only to develop wrinkled crust itself. Width of view, about 1.5 m.
This is a photo of a stream of lava pouring from inflating front of Banana flow, with Pulama pali in background.
Stream of lava pours from inflating front of Banana flow, with Pulama pali in background. On pali are numerous fuming areas, defining Banana tube and breakouts. Ominous weather turned south a few minutes later.


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