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Photo and Video Chronology - Kīlauea - September 26, 2017

September 26, 2017

Clear views at the ocean entry

A weak plume today (September 26) on the far (west) side of the delta provided great views of changes at the ocean entry. Over the past few weeks there have been repeated breakouts on the delta which have resurfaced over half of the roughly 10 acre (4 hectare) delta, as mapped on September 21. Many of the large delta cracks have been completely or partially covered by flows, but hazards at the ocean entry have not changed. On the far right cliff horizon, a thin silver flow that started on September 23 is just visible.


A view of the breakout point of the easternmost of two short-lived breakouts that began on September 23. This thin pāhoehoe breakout (lighter flow in center of photo) started approximately 45 m (49 yards) upslope of the sea cliff, and on the eastern side of the lava tube that feeds the ocean entry. This breakout stopped just before it reached the edge of the sea cliff.
This western breakout also began on September 23, at a distance of approximately 90 m (98 yards) from the sea cliff. This pāhoehoe (bottom edge has a yellow dotted outline) was more viscous than the breakout to the east, so the surface texture is less smooth and reflective, making it harder to distinguish between the older flows. The western breakout was also short-lived, and is no longer active, but did reach the sea cliff with a brief dribble over the edge. The littoral cone is visible in the center right of the photo with light gas fumes from the tube exit point onto the delta. The lighter eastern breakout is just visible abutting the littoral cone.

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