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January 26, 2023

Media representatives: Please join the U.S. Geological Survey, SkyTEM, and various partners for a demonstration takeoff of the low-flying helicopter and description of what scientists are seeking in/around the Illinois River Basin using this specialized geophysical instrument. Please RSVP to Heidi Koehler Koontz at 720-320-1246 or

What:   Public open house

When:  Tuesday, Jan. 31, 2023, 11 a.m.

Where: Bult Airfield, Chicago Southland

Why:    Beginning in late January and lasting for several weeks, a low-level helicopter will begin flying over the Illinois River Basin in parts of Illinois and Indiana to acquire a more accurate picture of aquifers in the area. Geophysical measurements will be collected by the helicopter as part of the USGS Next Generation Water Observing System (NGWOS) project to support studies of groundwater in the Illinois River Basin. This study expands on similar work done last year in the upper part of the ILRB around southeastern Wisconsin. More information is available in this USGS Media Advisory.

A low-flying helicopter towing a geophysical device collects scientific data for salinity and aquifer mapping.
A low-flying helicopter towing a geophysical device collects scientific data for salinity and aquifer mapping.

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