Update on January 2019 Volcano Awareness Month Presentations
Due to the lapse in appropriations, USGS Hawaiian Volcano Observatory scientists are unable to present lectures as planned.
For the week of January 7, Carolyn Parcheta's talk inside Hawaii Volcanoes National Park on Tuesday January 8 is cancelled.
On Friday January 11, we will update this page with the status of the following week's schedule (3 talks in Hawaii Volcanoes National Park, Hawaii Preparatory Academy, and Kealakehe High School in Kona).
NOTE: talks by University of Hawaii's Rick Hazlett on January 10, 28, and 29 and Ryan Peroy on January 31 will go on as planned.
The original schedule of presentations and related information can be found here.
We apologize for this inconvenience and will try to reschedule talks at a later date.
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