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Cartographic Specifications - Transportation

US Topo cartographic specifications for Transportation including airports, rails, routes, and trails.

Feature Types








FType: Complex

FCode: 20001

Feature Description: An area of land, water, or a structure used or intended to be used for the landing and takeoff of helicopters, and includes its building and facilities, if any.

Cartographic Representation

Point Graphic Depiction Linear Graphic Depiction Polygon Graphic Depiction
Heliport Symbol
Symbol is the capital letter "H" on a white background inside of an orange circle with a black outline. The symbol is comprised of seven layers.

Point Symbology Specifications

SpecName SizePt Color RGB Transparency(%)
Layer 1 (top) 6.0 0/0/0 0
Layer 2 19.0 0/0/0 0
Layer 4 16.0 230/152/0 0
Layer 5 14.0 230/152/0 0
Layer 6 16.0 230/152/0 0
Layer 7 (Base) 14.0 255/255/255 0
Layer 3 14.0 230/152/0 0


FType: Runway

FCode: 20100

Feature Description: A defined rectangular area on a land airport prepared for the landing and takeoff run of aircraft along its length.

Cartographic Representation

Point Graphic Depiction Linear Graphic Depiction Polygon Graphic Depiction
Runway Symbol
The symbol is a polygon outline with no fill.

Polygon Symbology Specifications

SpecName SizePt Color RGB Transparency(%)
Outline 0.4 0/0/0 0


Font Style Font Size Font Color Halo Size Halo Color Placement Properties Anno Graphic Depiction
Segoe UI 8.00 0/0/0 0.7 240/240/240 Horizontal and offset from polygon.
Runway Annotation

Seaplane Anchorage / Base

FType: Complex

FCode: 20002

Feature Description: A designated area of water used or intended to be used for the landing and takeoff of seaplanes and shoreside access.

Cartographic Representation

Point Graphic Depiction Linear Graphic Depiction Polygon Graphic Depiction
Seaplane Anchorage / Base Symbol
Symbol is a blue anchor inside of a blue circle and is comprised of eight layers.

Point Symbology Specifications

SpecName SizePt Color RGB Transparency(%)
Layer 2 16.0 24/74/225 0
Layer 3 18.0 14/74/225 0
Layer 4 2.0 24/74/225 0
Layer 5 2.0 24/74/225 0
Layer 6 2.0 24/74/225 0
Layer 7 2.0 24/74/225 0
Layer 8 (Base) 14.0 255/255/255 0
Layer 1 (top) 16.0 24/74/225 0



FType: No FType for this feature

FCode: 20200

Feature Description: A primary railway that provides service between destinations.


Rail: Siding / Spur

FType: No FType for this feature

FCode: 20201

Feature Description: A stretch of railway track connected to a main railway and used for temporary storage, passing, loading, and/or unloading. The siding / spur can be part of a rail yard.

Cartographic Representation

Point Graphic Depiction Linear Graphic Depiction Polygon Graphic Depiction
Multi-use Rail Symbol
The symbol composed of two lines:  a hash line on top of a solid line.

Line Symbology Specifications

SpecName SizePt Color RGB Transparency(%)
Line 2 (Solid Line) 0.36 0/0/0 0
Line 1 (Hash Line) 2.88 0/0/0 0




FType: No FType for this feature

FCode: No FCode for this feature

Feature Description: An unpaved dirt trail where a four-wheel drive vehicle is required.

Cartographic Representation

Point Graphic Depiction Linear Graphic Depiction Polygon Graphic Depiction
4WD Symbol
Four Wheel Drive Road (4WD).  The symbol is constructed as three lines, a double dashed gray line on top of a light gray line.

Line Symbology Specifications

SpecName SizePt Color RGB Transparency(%)
Line 1 (top) 0.55 130/130/130 0
Line 2 0.55 130/130/130 0
Line 3 (base) 1.8 235/235/235 0


Closed Road

FType: No FType for this feature

FCode: No FCode for this feature

Feature Description: Roads that are closed to vehicular traffic but still exist on the transportation system for potential future use.

Cartographic Representation

Point Graphic Depiction Linear Graphic Depiction Polygon Graphic Depiction
Closed Road Symbol
Closed Road. Symbol is constructed as two lines, a dashed gray line with a light gray outline.



Line Symbology Specifications

SpecName SizePt Color RGB Transparency(%)
Line 1 (top) 0.7 130/130/130 0
Line 2 (base) 0.9 235/235/235 0

Controlled-access Highway

FType: No FType for this feature

FCode: No FCode for this feature

Feature Description: Interstates and limited access highways.

Cartographic Representation

Point Graphic Depiction Linear Graphic Depiction Polygon Graphic Depiction
Controlled-access Highway Symbol
Expressway.  The symbol is constructed as two lines, a line with an outline.

Line Symbology Specifications

SpecName SizePt Color RGB Transparency(%)
Line 1 (top) 1.25 175/75/76 0
Line 2 (base) 2.5 130/41/41 0

Ferry Route

FType: No FType for this feature

FCode: No FCode for this feature

Feature Description: A route that connects and maintains transportation flow over a body of water. Conveys vehicles, people, and cargo over a waterbody in a boat. Excludes commuter ferry (ferry taxis) routes and routes used by sightseeing watercraft. Spatial representation is generalized and may not accurately depict the real world location of the feature.

Cartographic Representation

Point Graphic Depiction Linear Graphic Depiction Polygon Graphic Depiction
Ferry Route Symbol
Ferry Route.  The symbol is a dashed line.

Line Symbology Specifications

SpecName SizePt Color RGB Transparency(%)
Line 1.0 155/155/155 0


Font Style Font Size Font Color Halo Size Halo Color Placement Properties Anno Graphic Depiction
Segoe UI Italic 6.00 0/0/0 1.0 240/240/240 Curved and offset from the line.
Ferry Route Annotation

Interstate Route

FType: No FType for this feature

FCode: No FCode for this feature

Feature Description: Fast, wide roads that traverse states and connect important cities. Part of the Interstate Highway System. 

Cartographic Representation

Point Graphic Depiction Linear Graphic Depiction Polygon Graphic Depiction
Interstate Route Symbol
Label is a text symbol with annotation placed on top of a road shield marker.

Point Symbology Specifications

SpecName SizePt Color RGB Transparency(%)
Road Shield, Layer 2 24.0 0/0/255 0
Road Shield, Layer 1 (top) 24.0 0/0/0 0
Road Shield, Layer 3 (base) 24.0 255/0/0 0


Font Style Font Size Font Color Halo Size Halo Color Placement Properties Anno Graphic Depiction
Segoe UI 7.00 255/255/255     Regular placement, horizontal and centered on line.
Interstate Route Annotation
Image of red and blue interstate shield with a white number identifying the road segment. 

Local Connecting Road

FType: No FType for this feature

FCode: No FCode for this feature

Feature Description: Roads that collect traffic from local roads and connect smaller towns, subdivisions, and neighborhoods.

Cartographic Representation

Point Graphic Depiction Linear Graphic Depiction Polygon Graphic Depiction
Local Connecting Road Symbol
Local Connector.  The symbol is two lines, a gray line on top of a white line.

Line Symbology Specifications

SpecName SizePt Color RGB Transparency(%)
Line 1.5 110/111/110 0
Line (base) 2.5 255/255/255 0


Font Style Font Size Font Color Halo Size Halo Color Placement Properties Anno Graphic Depiction
Segoe UI 7.00 0/0/0 1.0 240/240/240 Curved and offset from line.
Connecting Road Annotation

Local Road

FType: No FType for this feature

FCode: No FCode for this feature

Feature Description: Generally a paved street, road, or byway that usually has a single lane of traffic in each direction.

Cartographic Representation

Point Graphic Depiction Linear Graphic Depiction Polygon Graphic Depiction
Local Road Symbol
Local Road.  The symbol is a single gray line.

Line Symbology Specifications

SpecName SizePt Color RGB Transparency(%)
Line 1.0 155/155/155 0


Font Style Font Size Font Color Halo Size Halo Color Placement Properties Anno Graphic Depiction
Segoe UI Italic 6.00 0/0/0 1.0 240/240/240 Curved and offset from the line.
Local Road and 4WD Annotation


FType: No FType for this feature

FCode: No FCode for this feature

Feature Description: A road, sometimes called a "slip road", that typically allows controlled access from adjacent, not at-grade roads onto a limited access highway, often in the form of a cloverleaf interchange.

Cartographic Representation

Point Graphic Depiction Linear Graphic Depiction Polygon Graphic Depiction
Ramp Symbol
Ramp.  The symbol is a single red line.

Line Symbology Specifications

SpecName SizePt Color RGB Transparency(%)
Line 1.75 201/103/103 0

Secondary Highway or Major Connecting Road

FType: No FType for this feature

FCode: No FCode for this feature

Feature Description: Main arteries and highways that are not limited access, usually in the U.S. Highway or State Highway systems.

Cartographic Representation

Point Graphic Depiction Linear Graphic Depiction Polygon Graphic Depiction
Secondary Highway or Major Connecting Road Symbol
Secondary Highway.  The symbol is a single red line.

Line Symbology Specifications

SpecName SizePt Color RGB Transparency(%)
Line 1.75 201/103/103 0


Font Style Font Size Font Color Halo Size Halo Color Placement Properties Anno Graphic Depiction
Segoe UI 7.00 0/0/0 1.0 240/240/240 Curved and offset from line.
Connecting Road Annotation

State Route

FType: No FType for this feature

FCode: No FCode for this feature

Feature Description: Numbered routes designated and maintained by local state governments.

Cartographic Representation

Point Graphic Depiction Linear Graphic Depiction Polygon Graphic Depiction
State Route Symbol
Label is a text symbol with annotation placed on top of a road shield marker.

Point Symbology Specifications

SpecName SizePt Color RGB Transparency(%)
Road Shield, Layer 1 (top) 22.0 0/0/0 0
Road Shield, Layer 2 (base) 22.0 255/255/255 0


Font Style Font Size Font Color Halo Size Halo Color Placement Properties Anno Graphic Depiction
Segoe UI 7.00 0/0/0     Regular placement, horizontal and centered on line.
State Route Annotation
Image of a state highway symbol which consists of a black circle with a black label identifying a road segment.


FType: No FType for this feature

FCode: No FCode for this feature

Feature Description: An underground passage that is open at both ends and contains a road. Connects and maintains transportation flow underneath physical or human-built obstructions, such as a mountains or rivers. Spatial representation is generalized and may not accurately depict the real world location of the feature.

Cartographic Representation

Point Graphic Depiction Linear Graphic Depiction Polygon Graphic Depiction
Tunnel Symbol
Tunnel. Symbol is two dashed lines (at different offsets) with caps on both ends.

Line Symbology Specifications

SpecName SizePt Color RGB Transparency(%)
Line 3 (End Caps) 0.216 155/155/155 0
Line 1 0.216 156/156/156 0
Line 2 0.216 156/156/156 0

US Forest Service High Clearance Route

FType: No FType for this feature

FCode: No FCode for this feature

Feature Description: Routes under the jurisdiction of the US Forest Service that require a vehicle with high ground clearance to navigate safely. 

Cartographic Representation

Point Graphic Depiction Linear Graphic Depiction Polygon Graphic Depiction
US Forest Service High Clearance Route Symbol
Label is a text symbol with annotation placed on top of a road shield marker.

Point Symbology Specifications

SpecName SizePt Color RGB Transparency(%)
Road Shield, Outline 0.25 0/0/0 0
Road Shield, Fill   255/255/255 0


Font Style Font Size Font Color Halo Size Halo Color Placement Properties Anno Graphic Depiction
Segoe UI 5.25 0/0/0     Centered on point.
US Forest Service High Clearance Route Annotation
Image of a Forest Service Road Symbol which consists of a vertical rectangle with a black outline and a black number identifying the road segment. 

US Forest Service Primary Route

FType: No FType for this feature

FCode: No FCode for this feature

Feature Description: Routes under the jurisdiction of the US Forest Service that provide public access to popular recreation areas and connect populated areas. 

Cartographic Representation

Point Graphic Depiction Linear Graphic Depiction Polygon Graphic Depiction
US Forest Service Primary Route Symbol
Label is a text symbol with annotation placed on top of a road shield marker.

Point Symbology Specifications

SpecName SizePt Color RGB Transparency(%)
Road Shield, Layer 2 (base) 22.0 255/255/255 0
Road Shield, Layer 1 (top) 22.0 0/0/0 0


Font Style Font Size Font Color Halo Size Halo Color Placement Properties Anno Graphic Depiction
Segoe UI 5.00 0/0/0     Centered on point.
US Forest Service Primary Route Annotation
Image of a Forest Service road shield consisting a multi-part polygon with a black outline and a black number identifying the road segment. 

US Forest Service Secondary Route

FType: No FType for this feature

FCode: No FCode for this feature

Feature Description: Routes under the jurisdiction of the US Forest Service that are not as highly trafficked as primary routes but have higher traffic than local roads. 

Cartographic Representation

Point Graphic Depiction Linear Graphic Depiction Polygon Graphic Depiction
US Forest Service Secondary Route Symbol
Label is a text symbol with annotation placed on top of a road shield marker.

Point Symbology Specifications

SpecName SizePt Color RGB Transparency(%)
Road Shield, Outline 0.25 0/0/0 0
Road Shield, Fill   255/255/255 0


Font Style Font Size Font Color Halo Size Halo Color Placement Properties Anno Graphic Depiction
Segoe UI 5.25 0/0/0     Centered on point.
US Forest Service Secondary Route Annotation
Image of a Forest Service road shield that consists of a horizontally oriented rectangle with a black outline with a black number identifying a road segment. 

US Route

FType: No FType for this feature

FCode: No FCode for this feature

Feature Description: Also known as “US Highways,” these are numbered highways that connect populated places across the country and can sometimes be limited-access via onramps and offramps. 

Cartographic Representation

Point Graphic Depiction Linear Graphic Depiction Polygon Graphic Depiction
US Route Symbol
Label is a text symbol with annotation placed on top of a road shield marker.

Point Symbology Specifications

SpecName SizePt Color RGB Transparency(%)
Road Shield, Layer 1 (top) 22.0 0/0/0 0
Road Shield, Layer 2 (base) 22.0 255/255/255 0


Font Style Font Size Font Color Halo Size Halo Color Placement Properties Anno Graphic Depiction
Segoe UI 7.00 0/0/0     Regular placement, horizontal and centered on line.
US Route Annotation
Image of a US Highway road shield with a black outline and a black number identifying the road segment. 



Snow Trail

FType: No FType for this feature

FCode: No FCode for this feature

Feature Description: A trail that has a surface consisting predominantly of snow or ice and that is designed and managed to accommodate use on that surface.

Cartographic Representation

Point Graphic Depiction Linear Graphic Depiction Polygon Graphic Depiction
Snow Trail Symbol
Symbol is constructed as two lines, a purple dashed line on top of a solid gray transparent line.

Line Symbology Specifications

SpecName SizePt Color RGB Transparency(%)
Line 2 (base) solid transparent line 1.7 225/225/225 50
Line 1 (top) dashed line 0.9 124/81/173 0


Font Style Font Size Font Color Halo Size Halo Color Placement Properties Anno Graphic Depiction
Segoe UI 7.00 124/81/173 0.8 240/240/240 Regular placement, curved and offset from line.
Snow Trail Annotation

Standard/Terra Trail

FType: No FType for this feature

FCode: No FCode for this feature

Feature Description: A trail that has a surface consisting predominantly of the ground and that is designed and managed to accommodate use on that surface.

Cartographic Representation

Point Graphic Depiction Linear Graphic Depiction Polygon Graphic Depiction
Standard/Terra Trail Symbol
Symbol is constructed as two lines, an orange dashed line on top of a solid gray transparent line.

Line Symbology Specifications

SpecName SizePt Color RGB Transparency(%)
Line 1 (top) dashed line 0.9 230/76/0 0
Line 2 (base) solid transparent line 1.7 225/225/225 50


Font Style Font Size Font Color Halo Size Halo Color Placement Properties Anno Graphic Depiction
Segoe UI 7.00 176/82/33 0.8 240/240/240 Regular placement, curved and offset from line.
Standard/Terra Trail Annotation

Water Trail

FType: No FType for this feature

FCode: No FCode for this feature

Feature Description: A trail that has a surface consisting predominantly of water (but may include land-based portages) and that is designed and managed to accommodate use on that surface.

Cartographic Representation

Point Graphic Depiction Linear Graphic Depiction Polygon Graphic Depiction
Water Trail Symbol
Symbol is constructed as two lines, a gray dashed line on top of a solid gray transparent line.

Line Symbology Specifications

SpecName SizePt Color RGB Transparency(%)
Line 2 (base) solid transparent line 1.7 130/130/130 80
Line 1 (top) dashed line 0.9 156/156/156 0


Font Style Font Size Font Color Halo Size Halo Color Placement Properties Anno Graphic Depiction
Segoe UI 7.00 156/156/156 0.8 240/240/240 Regular placement, curved and offset from line.
Water Trail Annotation
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