National Hydrography Dataset (NHD) Data Dictionary Feature Domains
The data dictionary for feature domains (FCodes) in the National Hydrography Dataset.
Area of Complex Channels FCode
Feature Code | Feature Description | Feature Definition |
53700 | Area of Complex Channels (no attributes) | An area where a stream or river flows in an intricate network of sediment-driven interlacing channels. Not named features. |
Area to be Submerged FCode
Feature Code | Feature Description | Feature Definition |
30700 | Area to be Submerged (no attributes) | The known extent of the intended lake that will be created behind a dam under construction. May be named feature. |
ArtificialPath FCode
Feature Code | Feature Description | Feature Definition |
55800 | Artificial Path (no attributes) | A surrogate for general flow direction in NHDWaterbodies and NHDAreas. Artificial Paths carry the name of the flowline feature. NHDArea StreamRivers will have an Artificial Path that will carry the name of the river. |
BayInlet FCode
Feature Code | Feature Description | Feature Definition |
31200 | BayInlet (no attributes) | A water area that is an opening of the sea/ocean into the land, or of an estuary, lake, or river into its shore. BayInlets are used in the NHD to provide named areas for other hydrographic features, and must overlap Estuary, LakePond, SeaOcean, or StreamRiver. May be named feature. |
Bridge FCode
Feature Code | Feature Description | Feature Definition |
31800 | Bridge (no attributes) | A structure spanning and providing passage of a waterway over another waterway, railroad, or other obstacle. Bridge also exists as an NHDLine. May be a named feature. |
CanalDitch FCode
Feature Code | Feature Description | Feature Definition |
33600 | CanalDitch (CanalDitch Type = null) | An artificial open waterway constructed to transport water, to irrigate or drain land, to connect two or more bodies of water, or to serve as a waterway for watercraft. May be a named feature. |
33601 | CanalDitch (CanalDitch Type = Aqueduct) | An artificial, open waterway designed to transport domestic or industrial water from a supply source to a distribution point, often by gravity. |
33603 | CanalDitch (CanalDitch Type = Stormwater) | An artificial, open waterway designed to convey stormwater through and from a drainage area. |
Coastline FCode
Feature Code | Feature Description | Feature Definition |
56600 | Coastline (no attributes) | A line of contact between the open sea and the land, including imaginary lines separating inland water bodies from the open sea. The NHD acquires coastline data from the National Ocean and Atmospheric Agency (NOAA) and it is not a product of the USGS. Coastline in the NHD is a representation of the Mean High Water (MHW) as calculated by NOAA and may not match orthoimagery. Coastline in the NHD could be altered but must have an accompanying metadata record that identifies the scientific method used to calibrate the coastline to a known vertical datum. Coastline may be a named feature. |
Connector FCode
Feature Code | Feature Description | Feature Definition |
33400 | Connector (no attributes) | A known, but nonspecific, invisible connection between two nonadjacent network segments. |
DamWeir FCode
Feature Code | Feature Description | Feature Definition |
34300 | DamWeir (Construction Material = null) | A barrier constructed to control the flow or raise the level of water. No information on the predominant construction material. |
34305 | DamWeir (Construction Material = Earthen) | A barrier constructed to control the flow or raise the level of water where the predominant material used in construction is earth, or a combination of earth and rock. |
34306 | DamWeir (Construction Material = Nonearthen) | A barrier constructed to control the flow or raise the level of water where the predominant material used in construction is concrete, brick, or stone. Coincident with a Nonearthen Shore Feature. |
Drainageway FCode
Feature Code | Feature Description | Feature Definition |
46800 | Drainageway | A drainageway is a watercourse that conveys, or is likely to convey water but lacks a clearly defined channel or banks differentiating it from an ephemeral stream/river. Drainageways typically convey water for limited periods of time and do not carry perennial flow. Drainageways may follow natural topographic flow paths or constructed or human-made flow paths. |
Estuary FCode
Feature Code | Feature Description | Feature Definition |
49300 | Estuary (no attributes) | An estuary is a semi-enclosed coastal body of water which has a free connection with the open sea and within which sea water is measurably diluted with fresh water derived from land drainage" (Cameron and Pritchard, 1963). An Estuary is defined by the NOAA's Coastal Aquatic Framework (CAF) or local information concerning the extent of the mixed zone of fresh and salt water. |
Flume FCode
Feature Code | Feature Description | Feature Definition |
36200 | Flume (no attributes) | An open, inclined, artificial channel constructed of wood, metal, or concrete; generally elevated. Flume also exists as an NHDLine. May be a named feature. |
Foreshore FCode
Feature Code | Feature Description | Feature Definition |
36400 | Foreshore (no attributes) | The area of shore that lies between the limits of the mean high water (MHW) and mean low low water (MLLW) tidal marks and is exposed during low tides. The NHD acquires Foreshore data from the National Ocean and Atmospheric Agency (NOAA) and it is not a product of the USGS. May be a named feature. |
Gaging Station FCode
Feature Code | Feature Description | Feature Definition |
36700 | Gaging Station (no attributes) | A structure used to measure the characteristics of a hydrographic feature. Stream Gages are usually captured on the flowline and not necessarily on the physical location of the monitoring station. Stream Gages are also available as a Point Event. Not a named feature. |
36701 | Gaging Station (Gaging Station Status=Active; Record=Continuous) | A structure used to measure the characteristics of a hydrographic feature. Stream Gages are usually captured on the flowline and not necessarily on the physical location of the monitoring station. A site is considered active if: (1) it has collected time-series (automated) data within the last 183 days (6 months), or (2) it has collected discrete (manually collected) data within 397 days (13 months). Where data collection is continuous, data may be available in real-time, as individual observations, or as daily summaries. |
Gaging Station: Gaging Station Status = Active; Record = Partial
Feature Code | Feature Description | Feature Definition |
36702 | Gaging Station (Gaging Station Status = Active; Record = Partial) |
Gaging Station: Gaging Station Status = Inactive
Feature Code | Feature Description | Feature Definition |
36703 | Gaging Station (Gaging Station Status = Inactive) |
Gate FCode
Feature Code | Feature Description | Feature Definition |
36900 | Gate (no attributes) | A structure that may be swung, drawn, or lowered to block an entrance or passageway. Gate may also be found as a line feature. Gate also exists as an NHDLine. Not a named feature. |
Ice Mass FCode
Feature Code | Feature Description | Feature Definition |
37800 | Ice Mass (no attributes) | A field of ice usually formed in regions of perennial frost. Ice Mass primarily consists of glaciers. May be a named feature. |
Inundation Area FCode
Feature Code | Feature Description | Feature Definition |
40300 | Inundation Area (Innundation Control Status = null, Stage = null) | An area of land subject to flooding. No information on the existence of functional structures controlling the flow of water into the area. No information on the height of the water surface. |
40307 | Inundation Area (Innundation Control Status = Not Controlled, Stage = null) | An area of land subject to flooding. No controlling structures exist; flooding is natural and periodic. No information on the height of the water surface. |
40308 | Inundation Area (Innundation Control Status = Controlled, Stage = null) | An area of land subject to flooding. Functional structures such as a levee or DamWeir, exist to control the water and inundate specific areas. No information on the height of the water surface. |
40309 | Inundation Area (Innundation Control Status = Controlled, Stage = Flood Elevation) | An area of land subject to flooding. Functional structures, such as a levees or DamWeirs, exist to control the water and inundate specific areas. Height of the surface water is flood elevation (the stage that prevails when a natural water body is at or near capacity). |
LakePond FCode
Feature Code | Feature Description | Feature Definition |
39000 | LakePond (Hydrographic Category = null, Stage = null) | A standing body of water with a predominantly natural shoreline surrounded by land or a flooded river system where a dam has been built to withhold water. Portion of the year the LakePond contains water is unknown. Height of the water surface is unknown. |
39001 | LakePond (Hydrographic Category = Intermittent, Stage = null) | A standing body of water with a predominantly natural shoreline surrounded by land or a flooded river system where a dam has been built to withhold water. Contains water for only part of the year, but more than just after rainstorms and at snowmelt. Height of the water surface is unknown. |
39004 | LakePond (Hydrographic Category = Perennial, Stage = null) | A standing body of water with a predominantly natural shoreline surrounded by land or a flooded river system where a dam has been built to withhold water. Contains water throughout the year, except for infrequent periods of severe drought. Height of the water surface is unknown. |
39005 | LakePond (Hydrographic Category = Intermittent, Stage = High Water Elevation) | A standing body of water with a predominantly natural shoreline surrounded by land or a flooded river system where a dam has been built to withhold water. Contains water for only part of the year, but more than just after rainstorms and at snowmelt. Height of the water surface is the stage that prevails when a natural water body is at or near capacity. |
39006 | LakePond (Hydrographic Category = Intermittent, Stage = Date of Photography) | A standing body of water with a predominantly natural shoreline surrounded by land or a flooded river system where a dam has been built to withhold water. Contains water for only part of the year, but more than just after rainstorms and at snowmelt. Height of the water surface is the stage that exists at the date of the photography. |
39009 | LakePond (Hydrographic Category = Perennial, Stage = Average Water Elevation) | A standing body of water with a predominantly natural shoreline surrounded by land or a flooded river system where a dam has been built to withhold water. Contains water throughout the year, except for infrequent periods of severe drought. Height of the water surface is the the stage of a natural water body that prevails for the greater part of the year. |
39010 | LakePond (Hydrographic Category = Perennial, Stage = Normal Pool) | A standing body of water with a predominantly natural shoreline surrounded by land or a flooded river system where a dam has been built to withhold water. Contains water throughout the year, except for infrequent periods of severe drought. Height of the water surface is the stage of an artificially impounded water body that prevails for the greater part of the year. |
39011 | LakePond (Hydrographic Category = Perennial, Stage = Date of Photography) | A standing body of water with a predominantly natural shoreline surrounded by land or a flooded river system where a dam has been built to withhold water. Contains water throughout the year, except for infrequent periods of severe drought. Height of the water surface is the stage that exists at the date of the photography. |
39012 | LakePond (Hydrographic Category = Perennial, Stage = Spillway Elevation) | A standing body of water with a predominantly natural shoreline surrounded by land or a flooded river system where a dam has been built to withhold water. Contains water throughout the year, except for infrequent periods of severe drought. Height of the water surface is the stage of an artificially impounded water body as determined by the spillway. |
Levee FCode
Feature Code | Feature Description | Feature Definition |
56800 | Levee (no attributes) | An embankment built to prevent flooding or to control or confine the flow of liquids. Levee also exists as an NHDLine. Not a named feature. |
Lock Chamber FCode
Feature Code | Feature Description | Feature Definition |
39800 | Lock Chamber (no attributes) | An enclosure on a waterway used to raise and lower vessels as they pass from one level to another. Lock Chamber also exists as an NHDPoint or as an NHDLine. May be a named feature. |
Nonearthen Shore FCode
Feature Code | Feature Description | Feature Definition |
41100 | Nonearthen Shore (no attributes) | A structure built of stone, brick, concrete, or other building materials that borders a body of water. Not a named feature. |
Pipeline FCode
Feature Code | Feature Description | Feature Definition |
42800 | Pipeline (Product = null, Pipeline Type = null, Relationship to Surface = null) | A closed conduit, with pumps, valves and control devices, for conveying fluids, gases, or finely divided solids. Type of product conveyed by pipeline unknown. Type of function or purpose of pipeline unknown. Vertical location of pipeline relative to the surface unknown. |
42801 | Pipeline (Product = water, Pipeline Type = Aqueduct, Relationship to Surface = At or near) | A closed conduit, with pumps, valves and control devices, for conveying fluids, gases, or finely divided solids. Aqueduct pipeline, designed to transport domestic or industrial water from a supply source to a distribution point, often by gravity. Vertical location of pipeline is at or near the surface. |
42802 | Pipeline (Product = water, Pipeline Type = Aqueduct, Relationship to Surface = Elevated) | A closed conduit, with pumps, valves and control devices, for conveying fluids, gases, or finely divided solids. Aqueduct pipeline, designed to transport domestic or industrial water from a supply source to a distribution point, often by gravity. Vertical location of pipeline is elevated (supported above the earth). |
42803 | Pipeline (Product = water, Pipeline Type = Aqueduct, Relationship to Surface = Underground) | A closed conduit, with pumps, valves and control devices, for conveying fluids, gases, or finely divided solids. Aqueduct pipeline, designed to transport domestic or industrial water from a supply source to a distribution point, often by gravity. Vertical location of pipeline is underground (buried below the surface). |
42804 | Pipeline (Product = water, Pipeline Type = Aqueduct, Relationship to Surface = Underwater) | A closed conduit, with pumps, valves and control devices, for conveying fluids, gases, or finely divided solids. Aqueduct pipeline, designed to transport domestic or industrial water from a supply source to a distribution point, often by gravity. Vertical location of pipeline is underwater (always submerged). |
42805 | Pipeline (Product = water, Pipeline Type = General Case, Relationship to Surface = At or near) | A closed conduit, with pumps, valves and control devices, for conveying fluids, gases, or finely divided solids. General case (common use) pipeline, used to channel flowing water to another site. Vertical location of pipeline is at or near the surface. |
42806 | Pipeline (Product = water, Pipeline Type = General Case, Relationship to Surface = Elevated) | A closed conduit, with pumps, valves and control devices, for conveying fluids, gases, or finely divided solids. General case (common use) pipeline, used to channel flowing water to another site. Vertical location of pipeline is elevated (supported above the earth). |
42807 | Pipeline (Product = water, Pipeline Type = General Case, Relationship to Surface = Underground) | A closed conduit, with pumps, valves and control devices, for conveying fluids, gases, or finely divided solids. General case (common use) pipeline, used to channel flowing water to another site. Vertical location of pipeline is underground (buried below the surface). |
42808 | Pipeline (Product = water, Pipeline Type = General Case, Relationship to Surface = Underwater) | A closed conduit, with pumps, valves and control devices, for conveying fluids, gases, or finely divided solids. General case (common use) pipeline, used to channel flowing water to another site. Vertical location of pipeline is underwater (always submerged). |
42809 | Pipeline (Product = water, Pipeline Type = Penstock, Relationship to Surface = At or near) | A closed conduit, with pumps, valves and control devices, for conveying fluids, gases, or finely divided solids. Penstock pipeline, designed to convey water into the turbine of a hydroelectric generating plant. Vertical location of pipeline is at or near the surface. |
42810 | Pipeline (Product = water, Pipeline Type = Penstock, Relationship to Surface = Elevated) | A closed conduit, with pumps, valves and control devices, for conveying fluids, gases, or finely divided solids. Penstock pipeline, designed to convey water into the turbine of a hydroelectric generating plant. Vertical location of pipeline is elevated (supported above the earth). |
42811 | Pipeline (Product = water, Pipeline Type = Penstock, Relationship to Surface = Underground) | A closed conduit, with pumps, valves and control devices, for conveying fluids, gases, or finely divided solids. Penstock pipeline, designed to convey water into the turbine of a hydroelectric generating plant. Vertical location of pipeline is underground (buried below the surface). |
42812 | Pipeline (Product = water, Pipeline Type = Penstock, Relationship to Surface = Underwater) | A closed conduit, with pumps, valves and control devices, for conveying fluids, gases, or finely divided solids. Penstock pipeline, designed to convey water into the turbine of a hydroelectric generating plant. Vertical location of pipeline is underwater (always submerged). |
42813 | Pipeline (Product = water, Pipeline Type = Siphon, Relationship to Surface = Unspecified) | A closed conduit, with pumps, valves and control devices, for conveying fluids, gases, or finely divided solids. Siphon pipeline, designed to convey water by gravitational force over, or under, an obstruction. Vertical location of pipeline is The value is not known and is not required. |
42814 | Pipeline (Product = water, Pipeline Type = General Case, Relationship to Surface = null) | A closed conduit, with pumps, valves and control devices, for conveying fluids, gases, or finely divided solids. General case (common use) pipeline, used to channel flowing water to another site. Vertical location of pipeline is unknown. |
42815 | Pipeline (Product = water, Pipeline Type = Penstock, Relationship to Surface = null) | A closed conduit, with pumps, valves and control devices, for conveying fluids, gases, or finely divided solids. Penstock pipeline, designed to convey water into the turbine of a hydroelectric generating plant. Vertical location of pipeline is unknown. |
42816 | Pipeline (Product = water, Pipeline Type = Aqueduct, Relationship to Surface = null) | A closed conduit, with pumps, valves and control devices, for conveying fluids, gases, or finely divided solids. Aqueduct pipeline, designed to transport domestic or industrial water from a supply source to a distribution point, often by gravity. Vertical location of pipeline is unknown. |
42820 | Pipeline (Product = water, Pipeline Type = Stormwater, Relationship to Surface = null) | A closed conduit, with pumps, valves and control devices, for conveying fluids, gases, or finely divided solids. Stormwater pipeline, designed to convey stormwater through and from a drainage area. Vertical location of pipeline is unknown. |
42821 | Pipeline (Product = water, Pipeline Type = Stormwater, Relationship to Surface = At or near) | A closed conduit, with pumps, valves and control devices, for conveying fluids, gases, or finely divided solids. Stormwater pipeline, designed to convey stormwater through and from a drainage area. Vertical location of pipeline is at or near the surface. |
42822 | Pipeline (Product = water, Pipeline Type = Stormwater, Relationship to Surface = Elevated) | A closed conduit, with pumps, valves and control devices, for conveying fluids, gases, or finely divided solids. Stormwater pipeline, designed to convey stormwater through and from a drainage area. Vertical location of pipeline is elevated (supported above the earth). |
42823 | Pipeline (Product = water, Pipeline Type = Stormwater, Relationship to Surface = Underground) | A closed conduit, with pumps, valves and control devices, for conveying fluids, gases, or finely divided solids. Stormwater pipeline, designed to convey stormwater through and from a drainage area. Vertical location of pipeline is underground (buried below the surface). |
42824 | Pipeline (Product = water, Pipeline Type = Stormwater, Relationship to Surface = Underwater) | A closed conduit, with pumps, valves and control devices, for conveying fluids, gases, or finely divided solids. Stormwater pipeline, designed to convey stormwater through and from a drainage area. Vertical location of pipeline is underwater (always submerged). |
Playa FCode
Feature Code | Feature Description | Feature Definition |
36100 | Playa (no attributes) | The flat area at the lowest part of an undrained desert basin, generally devoid of vegetation. May be a named feature. |
Rapids FCode
Feature Code | Feature Description | Feature Definition |
43100 | Rapids (no attributes) | An area of swift current in a stream or river, characterized by standing waves or by boulders and rocks. Rapids also exist as NHDPoint or as NHDLine. May be a named feature. |
Reef FCode
Feature Code | Feature Description | Feature Definition |
43400 | Reef (no attributes) | A Chain of rocks or coral at or near the surface of the water. May be a named feature. |
Reservoir FCode
Feature Code | Feature Description | Feature Definition |
43600 | Reservoir (Reservoir Type = null, Construction Material = null, Hydrographic Category = null) | A constructed basin formed to contain water or other liquids. Function or purpose of resevoir is unknown. Predominant construction material used to construct the reservoir is unknown. The portion of the year the feature contains water is unknown. |
43601 | Reservoir (Reservoir Type = Aquaculture, Construction Material = null, Hydrographic Category = null) | A constructed basin formed to contain water or other liquids. Aquaculture reservoir used for rearing finfish, shell fish, or aquatic plants. Predominant construction material used to construct the reservoir is unknown. The portion of the year the feature contains water is unknown. |
43603 | Reservoir (Reservoir Type = Decorative Pool, Construction Material = null, Hydrographic Category = null) | A constructed basin formed to contain water or other liquids. Decorative pool reservoir used for improving the aesthetic appearance of the landscape. Predominant construction material used to construct the reservoir is unknown. The portion of the year the feature contains water is unknown. |
43604 | Reservoir (Reservoir Type = Disposal - Tailing Pond, Construction Material = Earthen, Hydrographic Category = null) | A constructed basin formed to contain water or other liquids. Tailing pond reservoir used for the disposal of tailing. Predominant construction material used to construct the reservoir is earthen, or a combination of earth and rock. The portion of the year the feature contains water is unknown. |
43605 | Reservoir (Reservoir Type = Disposal - Tailings Pond, Construction Material = null, Hydrographic Category = null) | A constructed basin formed to contain water or other liquids. Tailing pond reservoir used for the disposal of tailing. Predominant construction material used to construct the reservoir is unknown. The portion of the year the feature contains water is unknown. |
43606 | Reservoir (Reservoir Type = Disposal - unspecified, Construction Material = null, Hydrographic Category = null) | A constructed basin formed to contain water or other liquids. Disposal reservoir (function/purpose is not known and is not required). Predominant construction material used to construct the reservoir is unknown. The portion of the year the feature contains water is unknown. |
43607 | Reservoir (Reservoir Type = Evaporator, Construction Material = null, Hydrographic Category = null) | A constructed basin formed to contain water or other liquids. Evaporator reservoir for natural evaporation of water to allow harvesting of mineral concentrates. Predominant construction material used to construct the reservoir is unknown. The portion of the year the feature contains water is unknown. |
43608 | Reservoir (Reservoir Type = Swimming Pool, Construction Material = null, Hydrographic Category = null) | A constructed basin formed to contain water or other liquids. Swimming pool reservoir, used for recreation. Predominant construction material used to construct the reservoir is unknown. The portion of the year the feature contains water is unknown. |
43609 | Reservoir (Reservoir Type = Treatment - Cooling Pond, Construction Material = null, Hydrographic Category = null) | A constructed basin formed to contain water or other liquids. Treatment reservoir, used as a cooling pond. Predominant construction material used to construct the reservoir is unknown. The portion of the year the feature contains water is unknown. |
43610 | Reservoir (Reservoir Type = Treatment - Filtration Pond, Construction Material = null, Hydrographic Category = null) | A constructed basin formed to contain water or other liquids. Treatment reservoir, used as a filtration pond. Predominant construction material used to construct the reservoir is unknown. The portion of the year the feature contains water is unknown. |
43611 | Reservoir (Reservoir Type = Treatment - Settling Pond, Construction Material = Unspecified, Hydrographic Category = null) | A constructed basin formed to contain water or other liquids. Treatment reservoir, used as a settling pond. Predominant construction material used to construct the reservoir is not known and is not required. The portion of the year the feature contains water is unknown. |
43612 | Reservoir (Reservoir Type = Treatment - Sewage Treatment Pond, Construction Material = null, Hydrographic Category = null) | A constructed basin formed to contain water or other liquids. Treatment reservoir, used as a sewage treatment pond. Predominant construction material used to construct the reservoir is unknown. The portion of the year the feature contains water is unknown. |
43613 | Reservoir (Reservoir Type = Water Storage, Construction Material = Nonearthen, Hydrographic Category = null) | A constructed basin formed to contain water or other liquids. Water Storage reservoir, used or long or short-term storage of water. Predominant construction material used to construct the reservoir is concrete, brick, or stone. The portion of the year the feature contains water is unknown. |
43614 | Reservoir (Reservoir Type = Water Storage, Construction Material = Earthen, Hydrographic Category = Intermittent) | A constructed basin formed to contain water or other liquids. Water Storage reservoir, used or long or short-term storage of water. Predominant construction material used to construct the reservoir is earth, or a combination of earth and rock. The reservoir contains water for only part of the year, but more than just after rainstorms and at snowmelt. |
43615 | Reservoir (Reservoir Type = Water Storage, Construction Material = Earthen, Hydrographic Category = Perennial) | A constructed basin formed to contain water or other liquids. Water Storage reservoir, used or long or short-term storage of water. Predominant construction material used to construct the reservoir is earth, or a combination of earth and rock. The reservoir contains water throughout the year, except for infrequent periods of severe drought. |
43617 | Reservoir (Reservoir Type = Water Storage, Construction Material = null, Hydrographic Category = null) | A constructed basin formed to contain water or other liquids. Water Storage reservoir, used or long or short-term storage of water. Predominant construction material used to construct the reservoir is unknown. The portion of the year the feature contains water is unknown. |
43618 | Reservoir (Reservoir Type = Unspecified, Construction Material = Earthen, Hydrographic Category = null) | A constructed basin formed to contain water or other liquids. Type of reservoir is not known and is not required. Predominant construction material used to construct the reservoir is earth, or a combination of earth and rock. The portion of the year the feature contains water is unknown. |
43619 | Reservoir (Reservoir Type = Unspecified, Construction Material = Nonearthen, Hydrographic Category = null) | A constructed basin formed to contain water or other liquids. Type of reservoir is not known and is not required. Predominant construction material used to construct the reservoir is concrete, brick, or stone. The portion of the year the feature contains water is unknown. |
43621 | Reservoir (Reservoir Type = Water Storage, Construction Material = null, Hydrographic Category = Perennial) | A constructed basin formed to contain water or other liquids. Water Storage reservoir, used or long or short-term storage of water. Predominant construction material is unknown. The reservoir contains water throughout the year, except for infrequent periods of severe drought. |
43623 | Reservoir (Reservoir Type = Evaporator, Construction Material = Earthen, Hydrographic Category = null) | A constructed basin formed to contain water or other liquids. Evaporator reservoir for natural evaporation of water to allow harvesting of mineral concentrates. Predominant construction material used to construct the reservoir is earth, or a combination of earth and rock. The portion of the year the feature contains water is unknown. |
43624 | Reservoir (Reservoir Type = Treatment, Construction Material = null, Hydrographic Category = null) | A constructed basin formed to contain water or other liquids. Treatment reservoir. Predominant construction material used is unknown. The portion of the year the feature contains water is unknown. |
43625 | Reservoir (Reservoir Type = Disposal, Construction Material = earthen, Hydrographic Category = null) | A constructed basin formed to contain water or other liquids. Disposal Reservoir. Predominant construction material used to construct the reservoir is unknown. The portion of the year the feature contains water is unknown. |
43626 | Reservoir (Reservoir Type = Disposal, Construction Material = Nonearthen, Hydrographic Category = null) | A constructed basin formed to contain water or other liquids. Disposal Reservoir. Predominant construction material used to construct the reservoir is concrete, brick, or stone. The portion of the year the feature contains water is unknown. |
Rock FCode
Feature Code | Feature Description | Feature Definition |
44100 | Rock (Relationship to Surface = null) | A concreted mass of stony material. |
44101 | Rock (Relationship to Surface = Abovewater) | A concreted mass of stony material. The vertical location of the rock relative to the surface is above water (exposed at mean lower low water). |
44102 | Rock (Relationship to Surface = Underwater) | A concreted mass of stony material. The vertical location of the rock relative to the surface is underwater (always submerged). |
SeaOcean FCode
Feature Code | Feature Description | Feature Definition |
44500 | SeaOcean (no attributes) | The great body of salt water that covers much of the earth. May be a named feature. |
SinkRise FCode
Feature Code | Feature Description | Feature Definition |
45000 | SinkRise (Flow = Unknown) | The place at which a stream disappears underground or reappears at the surface, such as in a karst area. The flow direction is unknown. |
45001 | SinkRise (Type = Sink, Flow = Into Ground) | The place at which a stream disappears underground, such as in a karst area. |
45002 | SinkRise (Type = Rise, Flow = Out of Ground) | The place at which a stream reappears at the surface, such as in a karst area. |
45003 | SinkRise (Type = Estevelle, Flow = Bidirectional) | The place at which, depending on weather conditions and season, a stream disappears underground or reappears at the surface, such as in a karst area. |
Sounding Datum Line FCode
Feature Code | Feature Description | Feature Definition |
50300 | Sounding Datum Line (Positional Accuracy = null) | A line representing the bathymetric contour of mean low low water (MLLW) for which a foreshore feature is present or visible. The NHD acquires Sounding Datum Line data from the National Ocean and Atmospheric Agency (NOAA) and it is not a product of the USGS. The accuracy within which the feature may be confidently positioned is unknown. |
50301 | Sounding Datum Line (Positional Accuracy = Approximate) | A line representing the bathymetric contour of mean low low water (MLLW) for which a foreshore feature is present or visible. The NHD acquires Sounding Datum Line data from the National Ocean and Atmospheric Agency (NOAA) and it is not a product of the USGS. The accuracy within which the feature may be confidently positioned is approximate (conditions permit the feature to be confidently positioned between 0.02" and 0.1", at map scale, of its true ground position). |
50302 | Sounding Datum Line (Positional Accuracy = Definite) | A line representing the bathymetric contour of mean low low water (MLLW) for which a foreshore feature is present or visible. The NHD acquires Sounding Datum Line data from the National Ocean and Atmospheric Agency (NOAA) and it is not a product of the USGS. The accuracy within which the feature may be confidently positioned is definite (conditions permit the feature to be confidently positioned. Horizontal data are confidently positioned within 0.02", at map scale, of the true ground position. Vertical data are confidently positioned within one-half contour interval of the true ground position). |
Spillway FCode
Feature Code | Feature Description | Feature Definition |
45500 | Spillway (no attributes) | A constructed passage for surplus water to run over or around a dam. |
SpringSeep FCode
Feature Code | Feature Description | Feature Definition |
45800 | SpringSeep (no attributes) | A place where water issues from the ground naturally. May be a named feature. |
StreamRiver FCode
Feature Code | Feature Description | Feature Definition |
46000 | StreamRiver (no attributes) | A body of flowing water. Portion of the year the feature contains water unknown. |
46003 | StreamRiver (Hydrographic Category = Intermittent) | A body of flowing water that contains water for only part of the year, but more than just after rainstorms and at snowmelt. |
46006 | StreamRiver (Hydrographic Category = Perennial) | A body of flowing water that contains water throughout the year, except for infrequent periods of severe drought. |
46007 | StreamRiver (Hydrographic Category = Ephemeral) | A body of flowing water that contains water only during or after a local rainstorm or heavy snowmelt. |
Submerged Stream FCode
Feature Code | Feature Description | Feature Definition |
46100 | Submerged Stream (no attributes) | The original river course inundated by an impounded water body. These are mostly used in drowned river systems like the Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) lakes. May be a named feature. |
SwampMarsh FCode
Feature Code | Feature Description | Feature Definition |
46600 | SwampMarsh (Hydrographic Category = null) | A noncultivated, vegetated area that is inundated or saturated for a significant part of the year. The vegetation is adapted for life in saturated soil conditions. |
46601 | SwampMarsh (Hydrographic Category = Intermittent) | A noncultivated, vegetated area that is inundated or saturated for a significant part of the year. The vegetation is adapted for life in saturated soil conditions. Contains water for only part of the year, but more than just after rainstorms and at snowmelt. |
46602 | SwampMarsh (Hydrographic Category = Perennial) | A noncultivated, vegetated area that is inundated or saturated for a significant part of the year. The vegetation is adapted for life in saturated soil conditions. Contains water throughout the year, except for infrequent periods of severe drought. |
Tunnel FCode
Feature Code | Feature Description | Feature Definition |
47800 | Tunnel (no attributes) | An underground or underwater passage that carries water bearing features such as CanalDitch or Pipeline. May be a named feature. |
Underground Conduit FCode
Feature Code | Feature Description | Feature Definition |
42000 | Underground Conduit (Positional Accuracy = null) | A set of naturally occurring subsurface drainage channels formed from the dissolution of soluble rocks in Karst terrain or in terrain similar to karst but formed in nonsoluble rocks, as by melting of permafrost or ground ice, collapse after mining, and by outflow of liquid lava from beneath its solidified crust. The accuracy within which the feature may be confidently positioned is unknown. |
42001 | Underground Conduit (Positional Accuracy = Definite) | A set of naturally occurring subsurface drainage channels formed from the dissolution of soluble rocks in Karst terrain or in terrain similar to karst but formed in nonsoluble rocks, as by melting of permafrost or ground ice, collapse after mining, and by outflow of liquid lava from beneath its solidified crust. The accuracy within which the feature may be confidently positioned is definite (conditions permit the feature to be confidently positioned. Horizontal data are confidently positioned within 0.02" (40 feet at 1:24,000 scale), at map scale, of true ground position). |
42002 | Underground Conduit (Positional Accuracy = Indefinite) | A set of naturally occurring subsurface drainage channels formed from the dissolution of soluble rocks in Karst terrain or in terrain similar to karst but formed in nonsoluble rocks, as by melting of permafrost or ground ice, collapse after mining, and by outflow of liquid lava from beneath its solidified crust. The accuracy within which the feature may be confidently positioned is indefinite (conditions prevent the feature from being confidently positioned. Horizontal data cannot be confidently positioned within 0.02", at map scale, of the true ground position). |
42003 | Underground Conduit (Positional Accuracy = Approximate) | A set of naturally occurring subsurface drainage channels formed from the dissolution of soluble rocks in Karst terrain or in terrain similar to karst but formed in nonsoluble rocks, as by melting of permafrost or ground ice, collapse after mining, and by outflow of liquid lava from beneath its solidified crust. The accuracy within which the feature may be confidently positioned is approximate (conditions permit the feature to be confidently positioned between 0.02" and 0.1", at map scale, of its true ground position.). |
Wall FCode
Feature Code | Feature Description | Feature Definition |
48300 | Wall (no attributes) | An upright structure of masonry, wood, plaster, or other building material serving to separate land from water with no additional structures present. If other associated structures, such as DamWeir, are present use Nonearthen Shore. Not a named feature. |
Wash FCode
Feature Code | Feature Description | Feature Definition |
48400 | Wash (no attributes) | The usually dry portion of a stream bed that contains water only during or after a local rainstorm or heavy snowmelt. May be a named feature. |
Waterfall FCode
Feature Code | Feature Description | Feature Definition |
48700 | Waterfall (no attributes) | A vertical or near vertical descent of water over a step or ledge in the bed of a river. Waterfall also exists as an NHDPoint. May be a named feature. |
Water IntakeOutflow FCode
Feature Code | Feature Description | Feature Definition |
48500 | Water Intake/Outflow (no attributes) | A structure through which water enters or exits through a divergence structure. Water Intake/Outflow also exists as an NHDPoint. Not a named feature. |
Well FCode
Feature Code | Feature Description | Feature Definition |
48800 | Well (no attributes) | A pit or hole dug or bored into the earth for the extraction of oil, water, other fluids, or gases. May be a named feature. |
Area Event Type Domain
Code | Description | Definition |
Code | Description | Definition |
MaxValue | 9000 | |
MinValue | -400 |
"Enabled" attribute values
Code | Description | Definition |
0 | Not enabled | Not enabled, shown as False in the geodatabase. |
1 | Enabled | Enabled, shown as True in the geodatabase. |
Code | Description | Definition |
0 | Uninitialized | Direction of flow relative to coordinate order is uninitialized. |
1 | WithDigitized | Direction of flow relative to coordinate order is witih digitized. |
Line Event Type
Code | Description | Definition |
Code | Description | Definition |
0 | Unspecified | Unspecified |
1 | Confluence Main | Location where separate streams join the main path. |
2 | Divergence Main | Location where the main path diverges into separate streams. |
3 | Both Confluence Main and Divergence Main | Location where streams both converge and diverge from main path. |
Code | Description | Definition |
0 | No | No |
1 | Yes | Yes |
Point Event Type
Code | Description | Definition |
1 | Gaging Station | The entity in the event is a gaging station. |
2 | Dam | The entity in the event is a dam. |
3 | Divergence Structure = General | The entity in the event is a general divergence structure. |
4 | Divergence Structure = Withdrawing | The entity in the event is a withdrawing divergence structure. |
5 | Divergence Structure = Contributing | The entity in the event is a contributing divergence structure. |
57001 | Streamgage; Status=Active; Record=Continuous | A structure used to measure the characteristics of a hydrographic feature. Gages are usually captured on the flowline, not necessarily on the physical location of the monitoring station. Site is active if: has collected time-series data within the last 183 days, or has collected discrete data within 397 days. Where data collection is continuous, data may be available in real-time, as individual observations, or as daily summaries, and data are collected on a regularly scheduled basis. |
57002 | Streamgage Status=Active; Record=Partial | Structure used to measure the characteristics of a hydrographic feature. Gages are usually captured on the flowline and not necessarily on the physical location of the monitoring station. Considered active if: has collected time-series data within the last 183 days, or has collected discrete data within 397 days. A partial-record station is a site where limited water-quality data are collected systematically over a period of years. Frequency of sampling is usually less than quarterly. |
57003 | Streamgage Status=Inactive | A structure used to measure the characteristics of a hydrographic feature. Gages are usually captured on the flowline and not necessarily on the physical location of the monitoring station. Considered active if: has collected time-series data within the last 183 days, or has collected discrete data within 397 days. If it does not meet these criteria, it is considered inactive. |
57004 | Water Quality Station | A point on the surface water network where a water sample is measured for water quality characteristics. |
57100 | Dam | A barrier constructed to hold back water and raise its level, the resulting reservoir being used in the generation of electricity or as a water supply. |
57201 | Flow Alteration=Addition | A point on the NHD surface water network where water is added to the network, typically through a conveyance such as a CanalDitch or pipeline. |
57202 | Flow Alteration=Removal | A point on the NHD surface water network where water is removed from the network, typically through a conveyance such as a CanalDitch or pipeline. |
57203 | Flow Alteration Unknown | A point on the NHD surface water network where water is either removed or added to the network, typically through a conveyance such as a CanalDitch or pipeline. |
57300 | Hydrologic Unit Outlet | The pour point of a watershed boundary dataset hydrologic unit. |
6 | Water Quality Station | The entity in the event is a water quality station. |
Code | Description | Definition |
1 | Local | 1:12,000 source resolution. |
2 | High | 1:24,000 - 12,000 source resolution. |
3 | Medium | 1:100,000 source resolution. |
StatusFlag Domain
Code | Description | Definition |
A | Add | |
C | Change | |
D | Delete | |
N | Not Set |
Code | Description | Definition |
0 | Unspecified | Objects with a Visibility Attribute = 0 have not been evaluated |
100000 | Approximately 1:100,000 or Larger Scale | Objects with a Visibility Attribute = 100000 indicates that it is not appropriate to use the object at scales smaller than approximately 1:100,000 (i.e. object should be pruned at scales smaller than 1:100,000) |
1000000 | Approximately 1:1,000,000 or Larger | Objects with a Visibility Attribute = 1000000 indicates that it is not appropriate to use the object at scales smaller than approximately 1:1,000,000 (i.e. object should be pruned at scales smaller than 1:1,000,000) |
12500 | Approximately 1:12,500 or Larger Scale | Objects with a Visibility Attribute = 12500 indicates that it is not appropriate to use the object at scales smaller than approximately 1:12,500 (i.e. object should be pruned at scales smaller than 1:12,500) |
150000 | Approximately 1:150,000 or Larger Scale | Objects with a Visibility Attribute = 150000 indicates that it is not appropriate to use the object at scales smaller than approximately 1:150,000 (i.e. object should be pruned at scales smaller than 1:150,000) |
2000000 | Approximately 1:2,000,000 or Larger Scale | Objects with a Visibility Attribute = 2000000 indicates that it is not appropriate to use the object at scales smaller than approximately 1:2,000,000 (i.e. object should be pruned at scales smaller than 1:2,000,000) |
24000 | Approximately 1:24,000 or Larger Scale | Objects with a Visibility Attribute = 24000 indicates that it is not appropriate to use the object at scales smaller than approximately 1:24,000 (i.e. object should be pruned at scales smaller than 1:24,000) |
250000 | Approximately 1:250,000 or Larger Scale | Objects with a Visibility Attribute = 250000 indicates that it is not appropriate to use the object at scales smaller than approximately 1:250,000 (i.e. object should be pruned at scales smaller than 1:250,000) |
4800 | Approximately 1:4,800 or Larger Scale | Objects with a Visibility Attribute = 4800 indicates that it is not appropriate to use the object at scales smaller than approximately 1:4,800 (i.e. object should be pruned at scales smaller than 1:4,800) |
50000 | Approximately 1:50,000 or Larger Scale | Objects with a Visibility Attribute = 50000 indicates that it is not appropriate to use the object at scales smaller than approximately 50,000 (i.e. object should be pruned at scales smaller than 1:50,000) |
500000 | Approximately 1:500,000 or Larger Scale | Objects with a Visibility Attribute = 500000 indicates that it is not appropriate to use the object at scales smaller than approximately 1:500,000 (i.e. object should be pruned at scales smaller than 1:500,000) |
5000000 | Approximately 1:5,000,000 or Larger Scale | Objects with a Visibility Attribute = 5000000 indicates that it is not appropriate to use the object at scales smaller than approximately 1:5,000,000 (i.e. object should be pruned at scales smaller than 5,000,000) |