Lidar Base Specification 2023 rev. A is now available
The 3DEP Lidar Base Specification 2023 rev. A is now available!
The latest version of the Lidar Base Specification contains several important updates.
Revisions for LBS 2023 rev. A
- For linear data, the number of decimal places of delivered data will be limited to two or three, depending on product type. This requirement was added to Units of Reference in Deliverables.
- In Data Processing and Handling, under Use of the LAS Withheld Bit Flag, a requirement has been added to ensure the Proof of Performance version exactly matches the delivered point cloud.
- Tile scheme generation in Data Processing and Handling was updated to ensure the tiling scheme is generated in the same coordinate reference system as the lidar point cloud and raster deliverables.
- A writeup of the Withheld flag Proof of Performance has been added to the Lidar Mapping Report.
- Swath polygon requirements were rewritten for clarity.
- A requirement for extent polygons for each dataset was removed from Deliverables.
- The FGDC-compliant XML metadata requirement has been updated to include Swath Separation Images and Withheld flag Proof of Performance with the point cloud metadata. The XML template and example have also been updated to reflect this change.
- Swath Separation Image resolution requirement was changed to twice the DEM deliverable cell size.
- A requirement for delivery in LAZ format has been added for the Classified Point deliverables.
- The Maximum Surface Height Raster creation method in Appendix 1 has been extensively updated to improve performance.
- Appendices 3 and 4 have been updated with the new metadata example and template, respectively.
Keep track of pending revisions at the LBS Revision Status page
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