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WESM Data Dictionary: Reason Codes: 1m and Seamless

In addition to general attributes, the Work Unit Extent Spatial Metadata (WESM) includes information on how data in a given work unit relates to 3D Elevation Program (3DEP) elevation product specifications. This information is shown in the product status codes. Product status codes include codes for categories and reasons. Reasons for the one-meter and seamless DEMs are discussed here. 

WESM Product Status Codes: Source DEM

For more information about the product status codes, please see the WESM introduction page


A work unit’s reason code gives the primary reason why it was assigned to a particular category. The reason codes are typically unique per category and product combination, though some codes are used for several products for some of the categories.

Links to other reason code attributes by product (links to other pages)
Quick links to sections by product and category (on this page)

Reason Codes for the one-meter DEM


  • Description: One-meter DEM reason code
  • Definition: Used to store the reason code for the one-meter DEM
  • Format: text
  • Length: 100 characters
  • Valid values:


Reason code

Pending publication

Awaiting final absolute vertical accuracy assessment

Under review

Pending LPC/source DEM review


Meets 3DEP 1-m requirements

Meets with variance

See reason code list below

Does not meet

See reason code list below

One-meter reason codes for the Meets with variance category.

Reason code


LPC meets v.1.0 or earlier draft specification

LPC meets requirements of an earlier version of the LBS (draft version 13 or later but prior to version current with date of lidar production)

Non-lidar source - alternate

Non-lidar source data meets specifications for spatial accuracies and resolutions

LPC NPS  <2ppsm and >1ppsm

NPS of LPC between 2 ppsm (QL2 requirements) and 1 ppsm (1-m requirements)

Horizontal accuracy - non lidar

Non-lidar source data suitable for producing DEM of 1-m or finer resolution

Source DEM meets with variance

See source DEM reason code

One meter reason codes for the Does not meet category.

Reason code


LPC does not meet

LPC does not meet source data requirements

Non-lidar source

Non-lidar source data does not meet specifications for spatial accuracies or resolution

LPC NPS <1ppsm

NPS of LPC less than 1 ppsm

Horizontal accuracy - non lidar

Non-lidar source data not suitable for producing DEM of 1-m or finer resolution

Vertical Accuracy - lidar

Source data does not meet 3DEP QL2 10.0 cm RMSEz threshold


Source DEM not hydro-flattened or missing breaklines necessary for hydro-flattening

sDEM unsuitable, other reason

Source DEM not suitable for creating 1-m DEM product, reason unspecified, see metadata

Source DEM does not meet

See Source DEM reason code

Source DEM not available

No source DEM available

Reason Codes for the Seamless DEM layers


  • Description: Seamless DEM layers reason code
  • Definition: Used to store the reason code for the seamless DEM layers
  • Format: text
  • Length: 100 characters
  • Valid values:


Reason code

Pending publication

Awaiting final absolute vertical accuracy assessment

Under review

Pending LPC/source DEM review


Meets 3DEP seamless requirements

Meets with variance

See reason code list below

Does not meet

See reason code list below

Seamless reason codes for the Meets with variance category.

Reason code


LPC meets v.1.0 or earlier draft specification

LPC meets requirements of an earlier version of the LBS (draft version 13 or later but prior to version current with date of lidar production).

Seamless reason codes for the Does not meet category.

Reason code


LPC does not meet

LPC does not meet source data requirements.

Source DEM resolution too coarse

Source DEM resolution coarser than seamless DEM being produced.

Source DEM not available

No source DEM (source DEM or 1-m DEM) available to update the Seamless layers.


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