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Alaska Mapping Executive Committee Charter

Alaska Mapping Executive Committee Charter for July 2023 – December 2028.


Many Federal and State government activities depend on access to accurate, up-to-date topographic maps, bathymetric charts, geologic maps, and the underlying mapping themes and geophysical surveys that support these products. Remarkably, geospatial data to support modern maps and nautical charts are missing in many areas of Alaska where significant resource, safety, and national security interests intersect. The Alaska Mapping Executive Committee (AMEC) was formed in November 2012 to raise awareness of Alaska’s geospatial data needs and to explore avenues for jointly funding mapping in Alaska. AMEC efforts have resulted in improved coordination and the acceleration of Alaska mapping.  


The purpose of this charter is for AMEC participating Federal agencies and the State of Alaska to coordinate on the Federal role in mapping Alaska. The Alaska Geospatial Council (AGC) administered by the State of Alaska’s Geospatial Office supports AMEC priorities through coordination and collaboration across public and private stakeholders to advance mapping initiatives and provide access to statewide data and maps. Funding and executing statewide mapping projects in Alaska require the attention and commitment at the Federal executive level. The purpose of AMEC is to secure the resources necessary to complete Alaska mapping priorities as endorsed by AMEC members through the year 2028.  Mapping priorities are determined by AMEC through regular review. Priority mapping themes become part of AMEC’s 18-month tactical plan where progress is tracked and reported throughout the year. 

Guiding principles for the Committee: 

  • Utilize an enterprise approach to enable the greatest efficiencies in data acquisition and use. 
  • Partner with the State of Alaska to commit and coordinate funding to meet common needs for mapping. 
  • Leverage existing efforts, resources, and relationships. 
  • Implement Federal Geographic Data Committee best practices for data naming, attribution, collection, and accuracy standards, and comply with ISO metadata standards that include FAIR principles (Findability, Accessibility, Interoperability, Reusability), respect CARE principles (collective benefit, authority to control, responsibility, ethics) as authored by the Global Indigenous Data Alliance and make data accessible on Federal and State data portals to enable efficient public access to resources. 

The Department of the Interior (DOI) shall serve as one co-chair of AMEC. The Department of Commerce through the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) shall co-chair alongside DOI until such time that a member from another Department or Agency is selected to perform these second co-chair duties. The second co-chair may be nominated by the standing co-chairs (at the agreement of the nominated Department or Agency) and serve with the agreement of the members. The members of the Committee are senior executives from the agencies listed below and potential new agencies that will be added as they choose to participate: 

  • Department of Agriculture 
  • Department of Commerce 
  • Department of Defense 
  • Department of Homeland Security
  • Department of the Interior 
  • Department of Transportation 
  • Environmental Protection Agency 
  • Executive of Office of the President, Office of Management and Budget 
  • Executive of Office of the President, Office of Science and Technology Policy 
  • Federal Aviation Administration 
  • Federal Emergency Management Agency 
  • National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency 
  • National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration 
  • National Reconnaissance Office 
  • Natural Resources Conservation Service 
  • National Science Foundation 
  • United States Army Corps of Engineers 
  • United States Bureau of Indian Affairs
  • United States Bureau of Land Management 
  • United States Fish and Wildlife Service
  • United States Forest Service 
  • United States Geological Survey
  • United States National Park Service 
  • United States Northern Command 
  • State of Alaska  


Roles and Responsibilities

The roles and responsibilities of the Committee will include: 

  • Monitor and characterize Alaska mapping and charting progress, identify gaps, and provide funding estimates for completing tracked themes as determined in the 18-month tactical plan. 
  • Provide a coordination point for integrating the modern geospatial data requirements of Federal agencies with mission responsibilities in Alaska.  
  • Formulate a budget strategy to address the critical geospatial data needs of the Federal and State agencies on the committee. 
  • Oversee the development and execution of annual program plans for mapping and charting in Alaska. 
  • Coordinate the acquisition of contemporary geospatial data to ensure completeness of coverage in accordance with standards for openness, quality, interoperability, and resolution. 
  • Identify lead agencies for each of the individual geospatial themes and engage an enterprise approach to data acquisition that leverages agency funding and resources. 
  • Oversee activities of the Alaska Mapping Technical Subcommittee and the Alaska Coastal Mapping Subcommittee formed to support AMEC. 



The Committee will meet annually, and additionally as needed at the invitation of the co-Chairs.  


The Associate Director for Core Science Systems Mission Area, United States Geological Survey, will provide the staff and administrative support required by the Committee for basic operations. Routine costs of members will be borne by their respective agencies.  


The Committee will define and agree to mutual goals, which it will complete by 2028 or sooner. This charter will remain in effect until the goals have been reached, or until it is amended or replaced. 

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