New 3D Elevation Program Fact Sheet for Kansas
Learn about 3D Elevation Program (3DEP) lidar data for Kansas in the new fact sheet -
The 3D Elevation Program - Supporting the Kansas Economy
High-quality lidar elevation data is a critical resource used in decision making for many economic and development issues in Kansas. The USGS, NRCS, FEMA, the Kansas Department of Ag and Kansas GIS Board, partnered to complete the acquisition of QL1 and QL2 lidar statewide, which is freely available for anyone to use.
Download the new 3DEP State Fact Sheet for Kansas to learn about available lidar data and the many beneficial uses of the data. You can access the fact sheet through the linked button above and at the USGS publication page. Fact sheets for Kansas and other states are also available in the 3DEP State Fact Sheet repository.
To view and access 3DEP lidar data, please visit the USGS LidarExplorer. To download these and other National Map products, please visit The National Map Downloader.
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