- Aftershock Forecasting
The likelihood of aftershock activity over future time intervals of a day, a week, a month, and a year after a significant earthquake in the U.S.
- Earthquake Catalog Data
Online catalog search and downloadable information and technical details.
- Earthquake Summary Posters
Posters created quickly after a significant earthquake with images and text about the seismic background of the area.
- Did You Feel It?
Human reports of shaking. Report your earthquake experience and see the map of shaking reports. -
Web Services and Feeds
Real-time notifications and real-time feeds of earthquakes. -
Earthquake Notification Service (ENS)
Automated notifications of earthquakes through e-mail, pager, or cell phone. Rapid information and updates to first responders, and resources for media and local government. -
Ground Failure
Estimates of potential landslides and liquefaction from significant earthquakes. -
Latest Earthquakes
Automatic maps and event information are available within minutes oniline at the Earthquake Hazards Program website which displays earthquake locations nationwide. -
Information on the impact of an earthquake using data about the shaking, the affected population, and the affected infrastructure. -
The ShakeAlert® Earthquake Early Warning system for the West Coast of the United States detects significant earthquakes quickly so that alerts can be delivered to people and automated systems. -
An application for automating ShakeMap delivery to critical users and for facilitating notification of shaking levels at user-selected facilities. -
Instrumentally measured shaking intensity mapped in a certain region. Fast information on strong skaing in urban areas helps get emergency response to the right places.
- Aftershock Forecasting
The likelihood of aftershock activity over future time intervals of a day, a week, a month, and a year after a significant earthquake in the U.S.
- Earthquake Catalog Data
Online catalog search and downloadable information and technical details.
- Earthquake Summary Posters
Posters created quickly after a significant earthquake with images and text about the seismic background of the area.
- Did You Feel It?
Human reports of shaking. Report your earthquake experience and see the map of shaking reports. -
Web Services and Feeds
Real-time notifications and real-time feeds of earthquakes. -
Earthquake Notification Service (ENS)
Automated notifications of earthquakes through e-mail, pager, or cell phone. Rapid information and updates to first responders, and resources for media and local government. -
Ground Failure
Estimates of potential landslides and liquefaction from significant earthquakes. -
Latest Earthquakes
Automatic maps and event information are available within minutes oniline at the Earthquake Hazards Program website which displays earthquake locations nationwide. -
Information on the impact of an earthquake using data about the shaking, the affected population, and the affected infrastructure. -
The ShakeAlert® Earthquake Early Warning system for the West Coast of the United States detects significant earthquakes quickly so that alerts can be delivered to people and automated systems. -
An application for automating ShakeMap delivery to critical users and for facilitating notification of shaking levels at user-selected facilities. -
Instrumentally measured shaking intensity mapped in a certain region. Fast information on strong skaing in urban areas helps get emergency response to the right places.