The Newport observatory was established in 1966. The site, located in the Colville National Forest outside of Newport, supports several geophysical operations and is operated by the USGS under a special use permit with the US Forest Service.

Station Id: NEW
Location: Colville National Forest, WA
Latitude: 48.2649°N
Longitude: 117.1231°W
Geomagnetic Latitude: 54.45°N*
Geomagnetic Longitude: 306.35°E*
Elevation: 770 meters
Orientation: HDZF
* IGRF values as of 2015.
Other Operations:
- A seismometer for the USGS Advanced National Seismic System Program
- CTBTO IMS Auxiliary Seismic Station
- CTBTO IMS Infrasound array

The Newport observatory was established in 1966. The site, located in the Colville National Forest outside of Newport, supports several geophysical operations and is operated by the USGS under a special use permit with the US Forest Service.

Station Id: NEW
Location: Colville National Forest, WA
Latitude: 48.2649°N
Longitude: 117.1231°W
Geomagnetic Latitude: 54.45°N*
Geomagnetic Longitude: 306.35°E*
Elevation: 770 meters
Orientation: HDZF
* IGRF values as of 2015.
Other Operations:
- A seismometer for the USGS Advanced National Seismic System Program
- CTBTO IMS Auxiliary Seismic Station
- CTBTO IMS Infrasound array