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1980 annual index of current earthquake literature

January 1, 1981

In the past several years earthquake research has been greatly accelerated in China, Japan, the USSR, and the United States. Presently about 3,000 earthquake-related publications (including meeting abstracts) are produced yearly. In order to keep up with this current literature, a computer-based bibliographic system was implemented as part of a research project called "Worldwide Earthquake Research Databases" under the direction of W.H.K. Lee. This bibliographic system is called the Current Earthquake Literature (CEL) Database. From this database, a quarterly Author Index and an Annual Index (including author, keyword and address listings) are prepared. The CEL Index will no longer be distributed on a bimonthly basis, it will be published quarterly in order to save on cost. Because there are large amounts of data entries, errors are unavoidable and any corrections from the readers are welcome.

Publication Year 1981
Title 1980 annual index of current earthquake literature
DOI 10.3133/ofr81454
Authors B.S. Hayashida, Mari L. Kauffmann, William Hung Kan Lee
Publication Type Report
Publication Subtype USGS Numbered Series
Series Title Open-File Report
Series Number 81-454
Index ID ofr81454
Record Source USGS Publications Warehouse
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