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1993 annual status report: a summary of fish data in six reaches of the upper Mississippi River system

November 1, 1997

The Long Term Resource Monitoring Program (LTRMP) completed 1,994 collections of fishes from stratified random and permanently fixed sampling locations in six study reaches of the Upper Mississippi River System during 1993. Collection methods included day and night electrofishing, hoop netting, fyke netting (two net sizes), gill netting, seining, and trawling in select aquatic area classes. The six LTRMP study reaches are Pools 4 (excluding Lake Pepin), 8, 13, and 26 of the Upper Mississippi River, an unimpounded reach of the Mississippi River near Cape Girardeau, Missouri, and the La Grange Pool of the Illinois River. A total of 62-78 fish species were detected in each study reach. For each of the six LTRMP study reaches, this report contains summaries of: (1) sampling efforts in each combination of gear type and aquatic area class, (2) total catches of each species from each gear type, (3) mean catch-per-unit of gear effort statistics and standard errors for common species from each combination of aquatic area class and selected gear type, and (4) length distributions of common species from selected gear types.

Publication Year 1997
Title 1993 annual status report: a summary of fish data in six reaches of the upper Mississippi River system
DOI 10.3133/70114635
Authors Steve Gutreuter, Randy W. Burkhardt, Mark Stopyro, Andrew Bartels, Eric Kramer, Melvin C. Bowler, Frederick A. Cronin, Dirk W. Soergel, Michael D. Petersen, David P. Herzog, Paul T. Raibley, Kevin S. Irons, Timothy M. O'Hara
Publication Type Report
Publication Subtype USGS Numbered Series
Series Title Long Term Resource Monitoring Program
Series Number 97-P008
Index ID 70114635
Record Source USGS Publications Warehouse
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