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A catalog of porosity and permeability from core plugs in siliciclastic rocks

January 1, 2003
Porosity and permeability measurements on cored samples from siliciclastic formations are presented for 70 data sets, taken from published data and descriptions. Data sets generally represent specific formations, usually from a limited number of wells. Each data set is represented by a written summary, a plot of permeability versus porosity, and a digital file of the data. The summaries include a publication reference, the geologic age of the formation, location, well names, depth range, various geologic descriptions, and core measurement conditions. Attributes such as grain size or depositional environment are identified by symbols on the plots. An index lists the authors and date, geologic age, formation name, sandstone classification, location, basin or structural province, and field name.
Publication Year 2003
Title A catalog of porosity and permeability from core plugs in siliciclastic rocks
DOI 10.3133/ofr03420
Authors Philip H. Nelson, Joyce E. Kibler
Publication Type Report
Publication Subtype USGS Numbered Series
Series Title Open-File Report
Series Number 2003-420
Index ID ofr03420
Record Source USGS Publications Warehouse
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