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A computer system for the storage and retrieval of gravity data, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

January 1, 1974

A computer system has been developed for the systematic storage and retrieval of gravity data. All pertinent facts relating to gravity station measurements and computed Bouguer values may be retrieved either by project name or by geographical coordinates. Features of the system include visual display in the form of printer listings of gravity data and printer plots of station locations. The retrieved data format interfaces with the format of GEOPAC, a system of computer programs designed for the analysis of geophysical data.

Publication Year 1974
Title A computer system for the storage and retrieval of gravity data, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
DOI 10.3133/ofr741040
Authors Richard H. Godson, Gordon H. Andreasen
Publication Type Report
Publication Subtype USGS Numbered Series
Series Title Open-File Report
Series Number 74-1040
Index ID ofr741040
Record Source USGS Publications Warehouse
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