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A list of references on the occurrence, availability, and character of ground water in the Missouri River Basin

January 1, 1950

This compilation of ground-water references was prepared as an aid to the field men engaged in ground-water investigations in the Missouri River Basin. It is thought that an acquaintance with the available literature on the area in which a field man is working may on occasion not only save him the effort of duplicating work that has already been done in his area but that he will find the reports of other workers on the same problem both informative and challenging.

It is suggested that each field man make every effort to obtain copies of the literature on his area from nearby sources before he calls on superior for help in obtained copied of the desired references.

It is not presumed that this bibliography is complete. In order that it may be improved upon at a later date, the field man is requested to enter on the blank pages at the end of the listed reference all other references he may discover from time to time. Then, if the demand for a revision of the bibliography is sufficiently great, these added references can be inserted in the appropriate places. Suggestions as to an improved arrangement of the material will be welcomed by the Missouri Basin Ground-Water Headquarters Office.

Publication Year 1950
Title A list of references on the occurrence, availability, and character of ground water in the Missouri River Basin
DOI 10.3133/ofr5063
Authors Eldon A. Busch
Publication Type Report
Publication Subtype USGS Numbered Series
Series Title Open-File Report
Series Number 50-63
Index ID ofr5063
Record Source USGS Publications Warehouse
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