The copper- and cobalt-bearing veins of part of the Quartzburg district are in fracture zones trending about N. 70 degrees E. in folded Permian (?) metavolcanic rocks on the southwest side of a quartz diorite stock. Along many of the veins fine-grained tourmaline and quartz have replaced the country rock. The primary ore minerals are chalcopyrite, glaucodot, safflorite, and cobaltite. The copper- and cobalt-rich parts of the deposits appear to be in separate ore shoots. Gold content is generally higher in the cobalt-bearing parts of the veins than in the copper-rich parts.
The Standard mine has developed part of one vein zone. Several other vein zones that crop out may contain as much copper as the Standard vein zone. Further bulldozing and diamond drilling on the surface, and more geologic mapping, sampling, and diamond drilling underground are suggested as means to explore for more ore deposits.