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A preliminary summary of a seismic-refraction survey in the vicinity of the Tonto Forest Observatory, Arizona

January 1, 1964

The U.S. Geological Survey complete d a seismic-refraction survey in the vicinity of the Tonto Forest Seismological Observatory (T.F.S.O.) in April and May 1964. More than 1200 km of reversed profiles were surveyed to determine the crustal structure and crustal and upper mantle velocities in this area. The purpose of this work was to provide information on wave-propagation paths of seismic events recorded at T.F.S.O. and to improve the performance of the Observatory in locating and identifying these events. First arrivals indicate that the Mohorovicic discontinuity dips to the northeast by as much as 6 degrees under T.F.S.O., and may even be displaced vertically by as much as 5 km immediately north of the Observatory near the boundary of the Basin and Range a n d t he Colorado Plateau Provinces. A preliminary examination of the first arrivals indicates that the crust at T.F.S.O. is at least 30 km thick and is made up of at least two seismic layers. A thin veneer at the surface with a velocity of approximately 4 km/sec is underlain by a layer with a velocity of approximately 5.9 km/sec to 6.1 km/sec. An intermediate layer with velocity of 6.6 to 7.0 km/sec is probably present in the lower crust, but is not revealed by first arrivals. The velocity of seismic waves in the upper mantle is about 7.9 km/sec.

Publication Year 1964
Title A preliminary summary of a seismic-refraction survey in the vicinity of the Tonto Forest Observatory, Arizona
DOI 10.3133/70043707
Authors J.C. Roller, W. H. Jackson, D. H. Warren, J. H. Healy
Publication Type Report
Publication Subtype USGS Unnumbered Series
Series Title Crustal Studies Technical Letter
Series Number 23
Index ID 70043707
Record Source USGS Publications Warehouse
USGS Organization Earthquake Science Center; Menlo Park Science Center
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