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A Proposed Model for the International Geomagnetic Reference Field-1965

January 1, 1982

A best current model of the main geomagnetic field is presented as a response to a need for an “International Geomagnetic Reference Field”. This model is described by a series of 120 spherical harmonic coefficients and their first and second time derivatives from an epoch 1960.0. It was derived from a sample of all magnetic survey data available from the interval 1900-1964 plus a recent global distribution of preliminary total field observations from the OGO-2 (1965-81A) spacecraft for epoch 1965.8. A duplicate data selection was made and the resulting field model compared with the first to help evaluate the minimum error. It was noted that the root —mean—square difference between the two models was about 30γ in the force components, 0.04 degrees in dip and 0.3 degrees in declination at the earth's surface for 1965.0.

Publication Year 1982
Title A Proposed Model for the International Geomagnetic Reference Field-1965
DOI 10.5636/jgg.19.335
Authors N. W. Peddie, E.B. Fabiano
Publication Type Article
Publication Subtype Journal Article
Series Title Journal of Geomagnetism & Geoelectricity
Index ID 70011657
Record Source USGS Publications Warehouse
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