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The “anomalous cedar trees” of Lake Ashi, Hakone Volcano, Japan

January 1, 1984

On the bottom of Lake Ashi at Hakone, Japan, there stand great trees that, since ancient times, have been widely known as the "Anomalous Cedar Trees" of Ashi. It is not known why these trees grow on the bottom of the lake, and it remains one of the mysteries of Hakone. It was formerly thought that, at the time Lake Ashi was born, a great forest of cedar trees which was growing in the caldera of the volcano sank into the water. From radioactive carbon dating techniques, it is known that a steam explosion in the Kami Mountains created the caldera approximately 3,000 years ago. The age of the "Anomalous Cedars" is placed at approximately. 

Publication Year 1984
Title The “anomalous cedar trees” of Lake Ashi, Hakone Volcano, Japan
Authors Y. Oki
Publication Type Article
Publication Subtype Journal Article
Series Title Earthquake Information Bulletin (USGS)
Index ID 70169212
Record Source USGS Publications Warehouse
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