Vein-type deposits of antimony ore, consisting of stibnite and quartz, are found in the hanging wall of faults cutting slate of probable Miocene age 15 miles northeast of Qila Abdullah in the Quetta-Pishin District. The ore is associated with zones of oxidized slate. Although the known deposits are small, the oxidized zones are found over several square miles, and the prospects for additional ore are encouraging.
Deposits of stibnite and oxidized rock are also found in the Qila Viala area, about 25 miles east of the Qila Abdullah deposits. Geologic relationships in the two areas are similar and suggest that deposition of stibnite and quartz, accompanied by alteration of the host rocks, has taken place on a regional scale. This greatly increases the area to be investigated as well as the possibility that deposits of economic value can be found.
A program for further geological investigations is recommended.