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An automated procedure for the simultaneous determination of specific conductance and pH in natural water samples

January 1, 1978

An automated, continuous-flow system is utilized to determine specific conductance and pH simultaneously in natural waters. A direct electrometric procedure is used to determine values in the range pH 4–9. The specific conductance measurements are made with an electronically modified, commercially available conductivity meter interfaced to a separate module containing the readout control devices and printer. The system is designed to switch ranges automatically to accommodate optimum analysis of widely varying conductances ranging from a few μmhos cm-1 to 15,000 μmho cm-1. Thirty samples per hour can be analyzed. Comparison of manual and automated procedures for 40 samples showed that the average differences were 1.3% for specific conductance and 0.07 units for pH. The relative standard deviation for 25 replicate values for each of five samples was significantly less than 1% for the specific conductance determination; the standard deviation for the pH determination was ⩽ 0.06 pH units.

Publication Year 1978
Title An automated procedure for the simultaneous determination of specific conductance and pH in natural water samples
DOI 10.1016/S0003-2670(01)83567-4
Authors D. E. Eradmann, Howard E. Taylor
Publication Type Article
Publication Subtype Journal Article
Series Title Analytica Chimica Acta
Index ID 70010358
Record Source USGS Publications Warehouse
USGS Organization National Research Program - Central Branch
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