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Automation of an ion chromatograph for precipitation analysis with computerized data reduction

January 1, 1982

Interconnection of an ion chromatograph, an autosampler, and a computing integrator to form an analytical system for simultaneous determination of fluoride, chloride, orthophosphate, bromide, nitrate, and sulfate in precipitation samples is described. Computer programs provided with the integrator are modified to implement ionchromatographic data reduction and data storage. The liquid-flow scheme for the ion chromatograph is changed by addition of a second suppressor column for greater analytical capacity. An additional vave enables selection of either suppressor column for analysis, as the other column is regenerated and stabilized with concentrated eluent.

Minimum limits of detection and quantitation for each anion are calculated; these limits are a function of suppressor exhaustion. Precision for replicate analyses of six precipitation samples for fluoride, chloride, orthophosphate, nitrate, and sulfate ranged from 0.003 to 0.027 milligrams per liter. To determine accuracy of results, the same samples were spiked with known concentrations of the above mentioned anions. Average recovery was 108 percent.

Publication Year 1982
Title Automation of an ion chromatograph for precipitation analysis with computerized data reduction
DOI 10.3133/wri8178
Authors Arthur G. Hedley, Marvin J. Fishman
Publication Type Report
Publication Subtype USGS Numbered Series
Series Title Water-Resources Investigations Report
Series Number 81-78
Index ID wri8178
Record Source USGS Publications Warehouse
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