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BALANCE : A computer program for calculating mass transfer for geochemical reactions in ground water

January 1, 1982

BALANCE is a Fortran computer program designed to define and quantify chemical reactions between ground water and minerals. Using (1) the chemical compositions of water samples from two points along a flow path and (2) a set of mineral phases hypothesized to be the reactive constituents in the system, the program calculates the mass transfer (amounts of the phases entering or leaving the aqueous phase) necessary to account for the observed changes in composition between the two water samples. Additional constraints can be included in the problem formulation to account for mixing of two end-member waters, redox reactions, and, in a simplified form, isotopic composition. The computer code and a description of the input necessary to run the program are presented. Three examples typical of groundwater systems are described.

Publication Year 1982
Title BALANCE : A computer program for calculating mass transfer for geochemical reactions in ground water
DOI 10.3133/wri8214
Authors David L. Parkhurst, Niel Plummer, Donald C. Thorstenson
Publication Type Report
Publication Subtype USGS Numbered Series
Series Title Water-Resources Investigations Report
Series Number 82-14
Index ID wri8214
Record Source USGS Publications Warehouse
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