Chitinozoans occur in low numbers and diversity in all formations of the Caradocian Stones River and Nashville Groups of the Central Basin, Tennessee. Sixteen species have been found in the interval studied: Belonechitina micracantha, B. robusta, B. seriespinosa, B. wesenbergensis, Calpichitina lata, Conochitina elegans, C. minnesotensis, Cyathochitina kuckersiana, Desmochitina minor, Lagenochitina cf. L. baltica, Pistillachitina pistillifrons, Rhabdochitina magna, R. turgida, R. usitata, Sphaerochitina actonica and Spinachitina multiradiata. On the basis of the chitinozoans present, the lower part of the Stones River Group is correlated to the North American Black Riveran Stage interval (British lower Caradocian Series). The upper part of the Stones River Group and the Nashville Group are correlated to the Black Riveran-Edenian interval (lower to middle Caradocian).