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Chemical, physical, and radiological quality of selected public water supplies in Florida, February-April 1980

January 1, 1981
Virtually all treated public water supplies in Florida meet the National Interim Primary and Secondary Drinking Water Regulations. These findings are based on a water-quality reconnaissance of 126 raw and treated public water supplies throughout the State during the period February through April 1980. Primary drinking water regulations maximum contaminant levels were rarely exceeded, although mercury (1 site), fluoride (2 sites), and radionuclides (3 sites) in water supplies were above established maximum contaminant levels. Dissolved solids, chloride, copper, manganese, iron, color, sulfate, and pH, were occasionally slightly in excess of the recommended maximum contaminant levels of the secondary drinking water regulation. The secondary regulations, however, pertain mainly to the esthetic quality of drinking water and not directly to public health aspects. (USGS)
Publication Year 1981
Title Chemical, physical, and radiological quality of selected public water supplies in Florida, February-April 1980
DOI 10.3133/wri8131
Authors Bernard J. Franks, G. A. Irwin
Publication Type Report
Publication Subtype USGS Numbered Series
Series Title Water-Resources Investigations Report
Series Number 81-31
Index ID wri8131
Record Source USGS Publications Warehouse
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