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DEROCS: A computer program to simulate offshore oil and natural gas development scenarios and onshore service base requirements

January 1, 1977

The FORTRAN IV (H) computer program, DEROCS, constructs Outer Continental Shelf (OCS) resource development scenarios and quantifies the requirements for and impacts of the operation of the onshore service bases necessary to support offshore oil and gas operations. The acronym DEROCS stands for 'Development of Energy Resources of the Outer Continental Shelf.' The user may specify the number, timing, and amounts of offshore oil and natural gas finds, onshore service base locations, and multiplier relationships between offshore development activities and onshore land, supply, labor and facility requirements. The program determines schedules of platform installation, development drilling, production from platforms, and well workover, and calculates on a yearly basis the requirements for and impacts of the operation of the onshore service bases demanded by offshore activities. We present two examples of program application.

Publication Year 1977
Title DEROCS: A computer program to simulate offshore oil and natural gas development scenarios and onshore service base requirements
DOI 10.3133/ofr77130
Authors Philip A. Marcus, E.T. Smith, S.R. Robinson, A.T. Wong
Publication Type Report
Publication Subtype USGS Numbered Series
Series Title Open-File Report
Series Number 77-130
Index ID ofr77130
Record Source USGS Publications Warehouse
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