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Digital model of ground-water flow in the Piceance Basin, Rio Blanco and Garfield Counties, Colorado

January 1, 1978

The digital model used to simulate ground-water flow in the aquifer system in the basin drained by Piceance and Yellow Creeks in northwestern Colorado is described in detail. The model is quasi three-dimensional in that it simulates ground-water flow in a multiaquifer system by assuming horizontal flow in the aquifers and vertical flow through the confining layers separating the aquifers. The model uses the iterative alternating-direction implicit procedure to solve the finite-difference flow equations. The digital model is documented by a program listing and flow charts. Data used in the model and sample output are presented to document the simulation of steady-state flow in the aquifer system. The variables used in the computer program and program options are discussed in detail. (Woodard-USGS)

Publication Year 1978
Title Digital model of ground-water flow in the Piceance Basin, Rio Blanco and Garfield Counties, Colorado
DOI 10.3133/wri7846
Authors John B. Weeks
Publication Type Report
Publication Subtype USGS Numbered Series
Series Title Water-Resources Investigations Report
Series Number 78-46
Index ID wri7846
Record Source USGS Publications Warehouse
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