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Dissolution of alkaline earth sulfates in the presence of montmorillonite

January 1, 1985
In a study of the effect of montmorillonite on the dissolution of BaSO4 (barite), SrSO4 (celestite), and 226Ra from U mill tailings, it was found that: (1) More of these substances dissolve in an aqueous system that contains montmorillonite than dissolve in a similar system without clay, due to the ion exchange properties of the clay; (2) Na-montmorillonite is more effective in aiding dissolution than is Ca-montmorillonite; (3) the amount of Ra that moves from mill tailings to an exchanger increases as solution sulfate activity decreases. Leaching experiments suggest that 226Ra from H2SO4-circuit U mill tailings from Edgemont, South Dakota, is not present as pure Ra sulfate or as an impurity in anhydrite or gypsum; it is less soluble, and probably occurs as a trace constituent in barite.
Publication Year 1985
Title Dissolution of alkaline earth sulfates in the presence of montmorillonite
DOI 10.1007/BF00568389
Authors D. D. Eberl, Edward R. Landa
Publication Type Article
Publication Subtype Journal Article
Series Title Water, Air, & Soil Pollution
Index ID 70013148
Record Source USGS Publications Warehouse
USGS Organization Toxic Substances Hydrology Program
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