Effects of compression direction on the plasticity and rheology of hydrolytically weakened synthetic quartz crystals at atmospheric pressure
A hydrothermally grown synthetic quartz crystal with 370±60 ppm hydroxyl impurity was cut into right rectangular prisms in eight crystallographic orientations. We compressed the prisms under constant axial force corresponding to a uniaxial stress of 140.0±0.5 MPa, and temperatures of 510° and 750°C. All but one of the samples sustained permanent axial strains of 2–3%. We established the operating slip systems from specimen shape change, slip bands and dislocation etch pits on polished surfaces, crystallographic orientation changes, stress optical features in thin sections, and transmission electron microscopy. The observed creep behavior and plasticity divided the samples into three groups: (1) Crystals compressed at 45° to [0001] and [ ] and those compressed ⊥( ) and ⊥( ) deformed principally by slip parallel to [0001]. Creep rates were relatively high and were not strongly sensitive to test temperature. Dislocation arrays approximately parallel to ( ) are common. Dislocation loops are elongate parallel to [0001], indicating that the edge segments were more mobile than the screw segments. (2) The second group of samples were loaded normal to [0001] in three orientations: ⊥( ), ⊥( ), and at 45° to ( ). These samples deformed primarily by { } 〈a〉 slip with some evidence for secondary slip on the other systems. They were more creep resistant than the first group and displayed a much higher sensitivity of creep rate to test temperature. Dislocation loops are very elongate parallel to [0001], indicating that the screw dislocation segments were much more mobile than the edge segments. (3) A sample compressed parallel to [0001] at 750°C crept at a barely detectable rate (∼10 s) and no optical scale slip features were observed. These results confirm our earlier work on one orientation each from groups 1 and 2, which indicated a strong creep anisotropy for this same crystal. This creep anisotropy parallels a remarkably similar anisotropy in the diffusivity of impurities in quartz, suggesting a causal relationship between impurity diffusion and creep associated with hydrolytic weakening. Appendix Tables A1‐A5 are available with entire article on microfiche. Order from American Geophysical Union, 2000 Florida Avenue, N.W., Washington, DC 20009. Document B84‐004; $2.50. Payment must accompany order.
Citation Information
Publication Year | 1984 |
Title | Effects of compression direction on the plasticity and rheology of hydrolytically weakened synthetic quartz crystals at atmospheric pressure |
DOI | 10.1029/JB089iB06p04241 |
Authors | M.F. Linker, Stephen H. Kirby, A. Ord, J.M. Christie |
Publication Type | Article |
Publication Subtype | Journal Article |
Series Title | Journal of Geophysical Research B: Solid Earth |
Index ID | 70207875 |
Record Source | USGS Publications Warehouse |
USGS Organization | Earthquake Science Center |