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Effects of seasonal hypoxia on macroinvertebrate communities in a small reservoir

February 15, 2022
Localized hypoxia can reduce available habitat, restrict movement and limit the abundance of aquatic invertebrates. Cultural eutrophication coupled with the effects of climate change is likely to increase the frequency and extent of hypoxia in aquatic ecosystems, yet little is known about how oxygen gradients in small reservoirs influence spatial distribution and abundance of aquatic invertebrates. We evaluated the effects of environmental and biological attributes on seasonal and spatial variation of macroinvertebrates and explored how hypoxic conditions influenced littoral, benthic and pelagic macroinvertebrate communities in Lake Alvin, South Dakota. We collected data on reservoir conditions in conjunction with macroinvertebrate sampling from May to October, 2009-2011 and applied an information theoretic approach to evaluate factors affecting invertebrate abundance. Hypoxic conditions were present from May to September in the lacustrine zone impacting 10─39% of the water column. Benthic invertebrates were typically absent from the lacustrine zone during periods of severe hypoxia and were most abundant in the shallow, well-oxygenated riverine zone. Littoral invertebrates were negatively related to percent of the water column that was hypoxic suggesting that fish, confined to shallow water by hypoxia, may be consuming a larger portion of littoral invertebrates in their diets. Cladocera and Copepoda densities were influenced primarily by water depth and monthly precipitation. The larger size of Daphnia found in the hypoxic-prone transitional and lacustrine zones suggest that low oxygen concentration may provide a refuge from fish predation. This study demonstrated that spatial variation in near-bottom oxygen concentrations were important predictors of macroinvertebrate and zooplankton abundance and size structure in Lake Alvin and that macroinvertebrates, particularly benthic and littoral invertebrates, could benefit from measures taken to reduce summer hypoxia.
Publication Year 2022
Title Effects of seasonal hypoxia on macroinvertebrate communities in a small reservoir
DOI 10.1111/lre.12395
Authors David O. Lucchesi, Steven R. Chipps, David A. Schumann
Publication Type Article
Publication Subtype Journal Article
Series Title Lakes & Reservoirs
Index ID 70262415
Record Source USGS Publications Warehouse
USGS Organization Coop Res Unit Leetown
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