Estimating black bear density in New Mexico using noninvasive genetic sampling coupled with spatially explicit capture-recapture methods
During the 2004–2005 to 2015–2016 hunting seasons, the New Mexico Department of Game and Fish (NMDGF) estimated black bear abundance (Ursus americanus) across the state by coupling density estimates with the distribution of primary habitat generated by Costello et al. (2001). These estimates have been used to set harvest limits. For example, a density of 17 bears/100 km2 for the Sangre de Cristo and Sacramento Mountains and 13.2 bears/100 km2 for the Sandia Mountains were used to set harvest levels. The advancement and widespread acceptance of non-invasive sampling and mark-recapture methods, prompted the NMDGF to collaborate with the New Mexico Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit and New Mexico State University to update their density estimates for black bear populations in select mountain ranges across the state.
We established 5 study areas in 3 mountain ranges: the northern (NSC; sampled in 2012) and southern Sangre de Cristo Mountains (SSC; sampled in 2013), the Sandia Mountains (Sandias; sampled in 2014), and the northern (NSacs) and southern Sacramento Mountains (SSacs; both sampled in 2014). We collected hair samples from black bears using two concurrent non-invasive sampling methods, hair traps and bear rubs. We used a gender marker and a suite of microsatellite loci to determine the individual identification of hair samples that were suitable for genetic analysis. We used these data to generate mark-recapture encounter histories for each bear and estimated density in a spatially explicit capture-recapture framework (SECR). We constructed a suite of SECR candidate models using sex, elevation, land cover type, and time to model heterogeneity in detection probability and the spatial scale over which detection probability declines. We used Akaike’s Information Criterion corrected for small sample size (AICc) to rank and select the most supported model from which we estimated density.
We set 554 hair traps, 117 bear rubs and collected 4,083 hair samples. We identified 725 (367 M, 358 F) individuals; the sex ratio for each study area was approximately equal. Our density estimates varied within and among mountain ranges with an estimated density of 21.86 bears/100 km2 (95% CI: 17.83 – 26.80) for the NSC, 19.74 bears/100 km2 (95% CI: 13.77 – 28.30) in the SSC, 25.75 bears/100 km2 (95% CI: 13.22 – 50.14) in the Sandias, 21.86 bears/100 km2 (95% CI: 17.83 – 26.80) in the NSacs, and 16.55 bears/100 km2 (95% CI: 11.64 – 23.53) in the SSacs. Overall detection probability for hair traps and bear rubs, combined, was low across all study areas and ranged from 0.00001 to 0.02. We speculate that detection probabilities were affected by failure of some hair samples to produce a complete genotype due to UV degradation of DNA, and our inability to set and check some sampling devices due to wildfires in the SSC. Ultraviolet radiation levels are particularly high in New Mexico compared to other states where NGS methods have been used because New Mexico receives substantial amounts of sunshine, is relatively high in elevation (1,200 m – 4,000 m), and is at a lower latitude. Despite these sampling difficulties, we were able to produce density estimates for New Mexico black bear populations with levels of precision comparable to estimated black bear densities made elsewhere in the U.S.
Our ability to generate reliable black bear density estimates for 3 New Mexico mountain ranges is attributable to our use of a statistically robust study design and analytical method. There are multiple factors that need to be considered when developing future SECR-based density estimation projects. First, the spatial extent of the population of interest and the smallest average home range size must be determined; these will dictate size of the trapping array and spacing necessary between hair traps. The number of technicians needed and access to the study areas will also influence configuration of the trapping array. We believe shorter sampling occasions could be implemented to reduce degradation of DNA due to UV radiation; this might help increase amplification rates and thereby increase both the number of unique individuals identified and the number of recaptures, improving the precision of the density estimates. A pilot study may be useful to determine the length of time hair samples can remain in the field prior to collection. In addition, researchers may consider setting hair traps and bear rubs in more shaded areas (e.g., north facing slopes) to help reduce exposure to UV radiation. To reduce the sampling interval it will be necessary to either hire more field personnel or decrease the number of hair traps per sampling session. Both of these will enhance detection of long-range movement events by individual bears, increase initial capture and recapture rates, and improve precision of the parameter estimates. We recognize that all studies are constrained by limited resources, however, increasing field personnel would also allow a larger study area to be sampled or enable higher trap density.
In conclusion, we estimated the density of black bears in 5 study areas within 3 mountains ranges of New Mexico. Our estimates will aid the NMDGF in setting sustainable harvest limits. Along with estimates of density, information on additional demographic rates (e.g., survival rates and reproduction) and the potential effects that climate change and future land use may have on the demography of black bears may also help inform management of black bears in New Mexico, and may be considered as future areas for research.
Citation Information
Publication Year | 2016 |
Title | Estimating black bear density in New Mexico using noninvasive genetic sampling coupled with spatially explicit capture-recapture methods |
Authors | Matthew J. Gould, James W. Cain, Gary W. Roemer, William R. Gould |
Publication Type | Report |
Publication Subtype | Federal Government Series |
Series Title | Cooperator Science Series |
Series Number | FWS/CSS-120-2016 |
Index ID | 70191979 |
Record Source | USGS Publications Warehouse |
USGS Organization | Coop Res Unit Seattle |