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Evaluating inter-rater reliability and statistical power of vegetation measures assessing deer impact

October 25, 2018

Long-term vegetation monitoring projects are often used to evaluate how plant communities change through time in response to some external influence. Here, we evaluate the efficacy of vegetation monitoring to consistently detect changes in white-tailed deer browsing effects. Specifically, we compared inter-rater reliability (Cohen’s κ and Lin’s concordance correlation coefficient) between two identically trained field crews for several plant metrics used by Pennsylvania state agencies to monitor deer browsing impact. Additionally, we conducted a power analysis to determine the effect of sampling scale (1/2500th or 1/750th ha plots) on the ability to detect changes in tree seedling stem counts over time. Inter-rater reliability across sampling crews was substantial for most metrics based on direct measurements, while the observational based Deer Impact Index (DII) had only moderate inter-rater reliability. The smaller, 1/2500th ha sampling scale resulted in higher statistical power to detect changes in tree seedling stem counts due to reduced observer error. Overall, this study indicates that extensive training on plant identification, project protocols, and consistent data collection methods can result in reliable vegetation metrics useful for tracking understory responses to white-tailed deer browsing. Smaller sampling scales and objective plant measures (i.e., seedling counts, species richness) improve inter-rater reliability over subjective measures of deer impact (i.e., DII). However, considering objective plant measures when making a subjective assessment regarding deer browsing effects may also improve DII inter-rater reliability.

Publication Year 2018
Title Evaluating inter-rater reliability and statistical power of vegetation measures assessing deer impact
DOI 10.3390/f9110669
Authors Danielle R. Begley-Miller, Duane R. Diefenbach, Marc E. McDill, Christopher S. Rosenberry, Emily H. Just
Publication Type Article
Publication Subtype Journal Article
Series Title Forests
Index ID 70223286
Record Source USGS Publications Warehouse
USGS Organization Coop Res Unit Leetown
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