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An evaluation of in-situ measurements of water temperature, specific conductance, and pH in low ionic strength streams

January 1, 1998
Survey for continuous measurement of water temperature, specific conductance, and pH in four low ionic strength streams in the Catskill Mountains of New York was evaluated through a calculation of their bias, precision, and accuracy and by comparison with laboratory measurements of specific conductance and pH on samples collected concurrently. Results indicate that the mini-monitor measurements of specific conductance and pH in an acidic stream (acid-neutralizing capacity always less than 0) agreed with laboratory measurements well enough that the minimonitors can be used to supplement laboratory measurements (mean difference in pH was 0.02 pH unit and mean difference in specific conductance was 0.72 ??S cm-1. This mean difference was 0.32 ??S cm-1 if the minimonitor data were adjusted by the bias). In less acidic streams (two streams in which the acid-neutralizing capacity was always greater than 0 and one in which the acid-neutralizing capacity was greater than 0 except during high flows), there was poor agreement between laboratory and minimonitor measurements of specific conductance at high flows and pH at all flows. The water-temperature probes measured with sufficiently small bias (-0.1 ??C) and adequate precision (??0.70 ??C) for use with most applications.
Publication Year 1998
Title An evaluation of in-situ measurements of water temperature, specific conductance, and pH in low ionic strength streams
DOI 10.1023/A:1004948932734
Authors A.J. Ranalli
Publication Type Article
Publication Subtype Journal Article
Series Title Water, Air, & Soil Pollution
Index ID 70020435
Record Source USGS Publications Warehouse
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