Growth of the walleye (Stizostedion vitreum vitreum) in Red Lakes, Minnesota, over a 17-year period was slower than in other waters of the Great Lakes region and fluctuated annually from 30.7 percent above to 42.2 percent below mean growth. Individual year classes varied considerably in growth rate. Age distribution in 3 1/2-inch stretch-measure commercial nets varied extremely in 9 years' collections and was related to year-class strength and fishing intensity during periods when classes were available for catch. Abundance of different classes varied 23-fold. Annulus formation and resumption of growth occurred from mid-June to late July. Effective growing season did not exceed 4 months and for some individuals in some years was 2 months or less. The catch contained age-groups II-XII but consisted principally of groups IV-VIII. Seasonal changes in age distribution were dependent on growth rate and fishing effort. Total catch was strongly influenced by growth and seasonal distribution of fishing effort. Maximum availability to commercial nets was at a total length of 15.1 inches, but a large percentage of the catch was smaller fish. Total annual mortality rate after fish attained 15.1 inches total length was 0.66, but continued recruitment through group VIII caused apparent change in mortality rate with increasing age up to IX. Maximum harvest could be attained by concentrating fishing effort in the latter part of the growing season. Abundance indices derived from commercial catch will be strongly influenced by the seasonal pattern of fishing.