This manuscript is based on a geologic and topographic reconnaissance survey, made during the summer of 1903, of an important placer-gold district in the northeastern part of Seward Peninsula. The report is accompanied by a reconnaissance map by Mr. D. C. Witherspoon, topographer, under whose directions the field operations were carried out.
Surveys were begun in Seward Peninsula in 1899, soon after the discovery of the rich placers of Nome, and, in view of the great economic importance of the field, have been extended as rapidly as the appropriations permitted. It was early recognized that here, as elsewhere in Alaska, it would be better to obtain general topographic and geologic results, to be immediately available to the mining public, than to attempt exhaustive surveys and studies of small areas. This has been the guiding policy in formulating and executing the plans. As a result, there have been issued a number of publications (including reconnaissance maps) which, though only of a preliminary character, have been, because of their timeliness, of much value to the mining public.
With the appearance of the following report this first epoch in the surveys will have closed, for there will be available complete reconnaissance reports and maps of the entire Seward Peninsula. These general reports and maps should be followed by more detailed surveys; these have been begun, and it is purposed to carry them forward as rapidly as circumstances will permit. In taking up areas for detailed investigations the attempt will be made to study first those of greatest economic interest.