Faulting Parameters of the January 16, 1994 Wyomissing Hills, Pennsylvania Earthquakes
Two events dominated the January 1994, Wyomissing, PA earthquake sequence, an Mw 4.0 foreshock, followed by an Mw 4.6 mainshock. We modeled regional waveforms to estimate the event depth and the moment tensors for the two largest events in the sequence, and examine teleseismic wave-forms recorded on the ARCESS short-period seismic array to estimate the depth and source time function of the mainshock. Our data constrain the depth of the events to be shallower than 5 km, and prefer a depth of 3-5 km. For an assumed depth of 3 km, the mainshock moment tensor is 75% double couple, with (the major double couple) planes striking at 135??N, 347??N, dips of 49??, 46??, and rakes of 68??, 114??. The estimated moment is 8.9 ?? 1022 dyne-cm. The P axis strikes 241??N and plunges 2??, the Tension axis strikes 336??N and plunges 73??. The foreshock inversion results are virtually identical to the mainshock results; for a source depth of three km, we find a major double couple with a strike, dip, and rake of 121??N, 60??, and 66??, respectively. The seismic moment for the foreshock is 1.2 ?? 1022 dyne-cm, which is approximately 13% of the mainshock moment release. These events did not excite high-frequency Lg waves as effectively as typical eastern North American events, and the mainshock had a stress drop in the range of 25-50 bars.
Citation Information
Publication Year | 1998 |
Title | Faulting Parameters of the January 16, 1994 Wyomissing Hills, Pennsylvania Earthquakes |
Authors | C.J. Ammon, Robert B. Herrmann, C.A. Langston, H. Benz |
Publication Type | Article |
Publication Subtype | Journal Article |
Series Title | Seismological Research Letters |
Index ID | 70020458 |
Record Source | USGS Publications Warehouse |