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Floodflows from small drainage areas in Oklahoma : progress report and data compilation

January 1, 1974
Annual peak discharges and basin and climatic characteristics, computed during the 10 years of the project, are summarized for 103 small-stream sites in Oklahoma. The U.S. Geological Survey rainfall-runoff model was calibrated for six small watersheds in Oklahoma. Calibration results, discussed in this report, indicate that the rainfall-runoff model can be used to extend the length of flood records for small watersheds in Oklahoma. Records from four small watersheds were extended by the model and synthetic frequency curves were computed for these sites to show applicability of the model. Further analyses and data are needed before the model can be applied statewide to compute improved estimating equations.
Publication Year 1974
Title Floodflows from small drainage areas in Oklahoma : progress report and data compilation
DOI 10.3133/ofr741099
Authors Wilbert O. Thomas, Robert K. Corley
Publication Type Report
Publication Subtype USGS Numbered Series
Series Title Open-File Report
Series Number 74-1099
Index ID ofr741099
Record Source USGS Publications Warehouse
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