The floods of July 1942 in north-central Pennsylvania and adjacent areas in New York were record-breaking on most of the smaller streams. They followed unprecedented rains that amounted to as much as 35 inches at some points during a storm that for the most part lasted less than 12 hours at any point. In the area of heavy rainfall, peak flood discharges were much greater than for the floods of March 1936. The storm was centered over the headwaters of three major drainage basins Susquehanna, Allegheny, and Genessee with the result that flood flows in the lower reaches of those streams were not outstanding. The estimated property damage exceeded $10,000,000 and 15 persons lost their lives. Description of previous storms and floods show that quite similar conditions have occurred in other areas in the past. The isohyetal map in the report is based on more than 400 miscellaneous observations of rainfall. Gage heights and discharges during the flood period are given for 14 gaging stations, and peak discharges are given for 47 other points on streams in the flood area. The maximum discharge was 117,000 second-feet in West Branch Susquehanna River at Renovo, and the maximum in relation to drainage area was 2,100 second-feet per square mile from 11.4 square miles in Annin Creek near Turtle Point. The report also contains a table of flood-crest elevations.