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Generalized additive regression models of discharge and mean velocity associated with direct-runoff conditions in Texas: Utility of the U.S. Geological Survey discharge measurement database

January 1, 2013

A database containing more than 17,700 discharge values and ancillary hydraulic properties was assembled from summaries of discharge measurement records for 424 U.S. Geological Survey streamflow-gauging stations (stream gauges) in Texas. Each discharge exceeds the 90th-percentile daily mean streamflow as determined by period-of-record, stream-gauge-specific, flow-duration curves. Each discharge therefore is assumed to represent discharge measurement made during direct-runoff conditions. The hydraulic properties of each discharge measurement included concomitant cross-sectional flow area, water-surface top width, and reported mean velocity. Systematic and statewide investigation of these data in pursuit of regional models for the estimation of discharge and mean velocity has not been previously attempted. Generalized additive regression modeling is used to develop readily implemented procedures by end-users for estimation of discharge and mean velocity from select predictor variables at ungauged stream locations. The discharge model uses predictor variables of cross-sectional flow area, top width, stream location, mean annual precipitation, and a generalized terrain and climate index (OmegaEM) derived for a previous flood-frequency regionalization study. The mean velocity model uses predictor variables of discharge, top width, stream location, mean annual precipitation, and OmegaEM. The discharge model has an adjusted R-squared value of about 0.95 and a residual standard error (RSE) of about 0.22 base-10 logarithm (cubic meters per second); the mean velocity model has an adjusted R-squared value of about 0.67 and an RSE of about 0.063 fifth root (meters per second). Example applications and computations using both regression models are provided. - See more at:…

Publication Year 2013
Title Generalized additive regression models of discharge and mean velocity associated with direct-runoff conditions in Texas: Utility of the U.S. Geological Survey discharge measurement database
DOI 10.1061/(ASCE)HE.1943-5584.0000635
Authors William H. Asquith, George R. Herrmann, Theodore G. Cleveland
Publication Type Article
Publication Subtype Journal Article
Series Title Journal of Hydrologic Engineering
Index ID 70048335
Record Source USGS Publications Warehouse
USGS Organization Texas Water Science Center
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