William H. Asquith
William has more than 28 years at the USGS encompassing a wide range of algorithms and statistical and extreme value frequency studies of meteorology, surface water hydrology, and other water resources topics such as data acquisition, hydraulics, and hydrologic regionalization.
Present (2016–2021) research includes exceptionally low annual exceedance probability (AEP) flood events, regulated flood-frequency, documentable climate-cycle impacts on flood-risk assessment, statistics of USGS discharge measurements, recent technical advisor on probable maximum precipitation in Texas, small watershed hydrometeorological stations, missing record estimation, real-time uncertainty forecasting for hydrometeorological stations, and groundwater level informatics and machine learning applications.
Recent cooperators include Gulf Coast Ecosystem Restoration Council, Environment Agency – Abu Dhabi via USGS Office of International Programs, Texas Commission on Environmental Quality, Texas Department of Transportation, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, and USGS Office of Quality Assurance.
Thrice featured four-city speaker in 2016, 2017, and 2018 in Bolivia for Universidad Catolica Boliviana and U.S. State Department.
Education and Certifications
Institution: Texas Tech University (TTU), College of Engineering, Lubbock, 2008–2011
Degree: Ph.D. (Civil Engineering, May 2011)Institution: University of Texas at Austin, Jackson School of Geosciences, Geoscience, 1998–2003
Degree: Ph.D. (Geosciences, May 2003)Institution: University of Texas at Austin, College of Engineering, 1988–1994
Degrees: B.S. (Civil Engineering, Dec. 1992); M.S. (Civil Engineering, May 1994)
Affiliations and Memberships*
Professional Geoscientist no. 1494, State of Texas 2003–present
Science and Products
Modeling and Projecting the Influence of Climate Change on Texas Surface Waters and their Aquatic Biotic Communities
Geospatial extent of the study area and additional geospatial buffer for Mobile and Perdido bays contributing watersheds in the southeastern United States
Modeled daily salinity derived from multiple machine learning methodologies for 91 salinity monitoring sites in the northern Gulf of Mexico, 1980–2021
Modeled daily salinity derived from multiple machine learning methodologies and generalized additive models for three salinity monitoring sites in Mobile Bay, northern Gulf of Mexico, 1980–2021
Quality assurance of water levels in the Mississippi River Valley alluvial aquifer in Louisiana from the Louisiana Department of Natural Resources' Strategic Online Natural Resources Information System (SONRIS)
Quality assurance of water levels in the Mississippi River Valley alluvial aquifer in Arkansas from the Arkansas Department of Agriculture Natural Resources Division
Imputed daily salinity and associated covariates to support statistical modeling for 91 salinity monitoring sites in the northern Gulf of Mexico
Geospatial representations of salinity monitoring site and bay and estuary group boundaries in the Gulf of Mexico
Datasets of depth to water, spring 2016, 2018, and 2020, and spring-to-spring water-level change 2016-18, 2018-20, and 2016-20, Mississippi River Valley alluvial aquifer
Quality Assurance of Water-Level Records from Wells in the Chicot aquifer system in southwestern Louisiana Department of Natural Resources' Stategic Online Natural Resources Information System (SONRIS)
Groundwater levels and other covariates useful for statistical modeling for the Mississippi River Valley Alluvial aquifer, Mississippi Alluvial Plain
Datasets used to map the potentiometric surface, Mississippi River Valley alluvial aquifer, spring 2020
Quality Assurance of Water-Level Records from Wells in the Mississippi River Valley Alluvial Aquifer in Missouri from the Missouri Department of Natural Resources Well Information Management System (WIMS) from July 28, 2016, through December 31, 2018
Altitude of the potentiometric surface in the Mississippi River Valley alluvial aquifer, spring 2020
Altitude of the potentiometric surface in the Mississippi River Valley alluvial aquifer, spring 2018
Potentiometric surface of the Mississippi River Valley alluvial aquifer, spring 2016
Use of Doppler velocity radars to monitor and predict debris and flood wave velocities and travel times in post-wildfire basins
Simulation of monthly mean and monthly base flow of streamflow using random forests for the Mississippi River Alluvial Plain, 1901 to 2018
Generalized additive model estimation of no-flow fractions and L-moments to support flow-duration curve quantile estimation using selected probability distributions for bay and estuary restoration in the Gulf States
Technique to estimate generalized skew coefficients of annual peak streamflow for natural watershed conditions in Texas, Oklahoma, and eastern New Mexico
Regional regression equations for estimation of four hydraulic properties of streams at approximate bankfull conditions for different ecoregions in Texas
Methods to quality assure, plot, summarize, interpolate, and extend groundwater-level information—Examples for the Mississippi River Valley alluvial aquifer
The use of support vectors from support vector machines for hydrometeorologic monitoring network analyses
Copula theory as a generalized framework for flow-duration curve-based streamflow estimates in ungaged and partially gaged catchments
Prediction and inference of flow-duration curves using multi-output neural networks
Characterizing groundwater/surface-water interaction using hydrograph-separation techniques and groundwater-level data throughout the Mississippi Delta, USA
Annual and approximately quarterly series peak streamflow derived from interpretations of indirect measurements for a crest-stage gage network in Texas through water year 2015
Application of at-site peak-streamflow frequency analyses for very low annual exceedance probabilities
infoGWauxs, Auxiliary methods for infoGW and similar groundwater level data objects and other helpful utilities
RESTORE/TCEQswqmisESTUSAL, Source code for manipulation of data stemming from the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality Surface Water Quality Monitoring Program with emphasis on salinity change statistics for Texas coastal segments
RESTORE/makESTUSAL, Source code for construction of various statistical models and prediction of daily salinity in coastal regions of the Gulf of Mexico, United States
Study of L-kurtosis and several distribution families for prediction of uncertainty distributions, An applied software technical note concerning L-kurtosis use in daily salinity prediction from multiple machine learning methods
Simulation and comparison of five estimators of variability in units of standard deviation for small samples drawn from normally distributed data
RESTORE/covESTUSAL, Source code for construction of covariates bound to daily salinity and specific conductance data for purposes of statistical modeling in coastal regions of the Gulf of Mexico, United States
aqtsra, Utilities for preprocessing raw and approved unit-value time-series hydrometeorological data before statistical endeavors
covMRVAgen1, Source code for construction of covariates bound to monthly groundwater levels for purposes of statistical modeling of water levels in the Mississippi River Valley alluvial aquifer
scNIDaregis, Geospatial processing of dams in the United States from the National Inventory of Dams with a state-level aggregation scheme, demonstrated for selected dams in eight states in south-central region of the United States, and post-processing fea
Source code in R for creation of regional regression equations for estimation of four hydraulic properties of streams at approximate bankfull conditions for different ecoregions in Texas associated with U.S. Geological Survey Scientific Investigations Rep
trajPipeFlow, Discharge from horizontal and vertical flowing pipes by trajectory methods
RESTORE/fdclmrpplo, Source code for estimation of L-moments and percent no-flow conditions for decadal flow-duration curves and estimation at level-12 hydrologic unit codes along with other statistical computations
Science and Products
Modeling and Projecting the Influence of Climate Change on Texas Surface Waters and their Aquatic Biotic Communities
Geospatial extent of the study area and additional geospatial buffer for Mobile and Perdido bays contributing watersheds in the southeastern United States
Modeled daily salinity derived from multiple machine learning methodologies for 91 salinity monitoring sites in the northern Gulf of Mexico, 1980–2021
Modeled daily salinity derived from multiple machine learning methodologies and generalized additive models for three salinity monitoring sites in Mobile Bay, northern Gulf of Mexico, 1980–2021
Quality assurance of water levels in the Mississippi River Valley alluvial aquifer in Louisiana from the Louisiana Department of Natural Resources' Strategic Online Natural Resources Information System (SONRIS)
Quality assurance of water levels in the Mississippi River Valley alluvial aquifer in Arkansas from the Arkansas Department of Agriculture Natural Resources Division
Imputed daily salinity and associated covariates to support statistical modeling for 91 salinity monitoring sites in the northern Gulf of Mexico
Geospatial representations of salinity monitoring site and bay and estuary group boundaries in the Gulf of Mexico
Datasets of depth to water, spring 2016, 2018, and 2020, and spring-to-spring water-level change 2016-18, 2018-20, and 2016-20, Mississippi River Valley alluvial aquifer
Quality Assurance of Water-Level Records from Wells in the Chicot aquifer system in southwestern Louisiana Department of Natural Resources' Stategic Online Natural Resources Information System (SONRIS)
Groundwater levels and other covariates useful for statistical modeling for the Mississippi River Valley Alluvial aquifer, Mississippi Alluvial Plain
Datasets used to map the potentiometric surface, Mississippi River Valley alluvial aquifer, spring 2020
Quality Assurance of Water-Level Records from Wells in the Mississippi River Valley Alluvial Aquifer in Missouri from the Missouri Department of Natural Resources Well Information Management System (WIMS) from July 28, 2016, through December 31, 2018
Altitude of the potentiometric surface in the Mississippi River Valley alluvial aquifer, spring 2020
Altitude of the potentiometric surface in the Mississippi River Valley alluvial aquifer, spring 2018
Potentiometric surface of the Mississippi River Valley alluvial aquifer, spring 2016
Use of Doppler velocity radars to monitor and predict debris and flood wave velocities and travel times in post-wildfire basins
Simulation of monthly mean and monthly base flow of streamflow using random forests for the Mississippi River Alluvial Plain, 1901 to 2018
Generalized additive model estimation of no-flow fractions and L-moments to support flow-duration curve quantile estimation using selected probability distributions for bay and estuary restoration in the Gulf States
Technique to estimate generalized skew coefficients of annual peak streamflow for natural watershed conditions in Texas, Oklahoma, and eastern New Mexico
Regional regression equations for estimation of four hydraulic properties of streams at approximate bankfull conditions for different ecoregions in Texas
Methods to quality assure, plot, summarize, interpolate, and extend groundwater-level information—Examples for the Mississippi River Valley alluvial aquifer
The use of support vectors from support vector machines for hydrometeorologic monitoring network analyses
Copula theory as a generalized framework for flow-duration curve-based streamflow estimates in ungaged and partially gaged catchments
Prediction and inference of flow-duration curves using multi-output neural networks
Characterizing groundwater/surface-water interaction using hydrograph-separation techniques and groundwater-level data throughout the Mississippi Delta, USA
Annual and approximately quarterly series peak streamflow derived from interpretations of indirect measurements for a crest-stage gage network in Texas through water year 2015
Application of at-site peak-streamflow frequency analyses for very low annual exceedance probabilities
infoGWauxs, Auxiliary methods for infoGW and similar groundwater level data objects and other helpful utilities
RESTORE/TCEQswqmisESTUSAL, Source code for manipulation of data stemming from the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality Surface Water Quality Monitoring Program with emphasis on salinity change statistics for Texas coastal segments
RESTORE/makESTUSAL, Source code for construction of various statistical models and prediction of daily salinity in coastal regions of the Gulf of Mexico, United States
Study of L-kurtosis and several distribution families for prediction of uncertainty distributions, An applied software technical note concerning L-kurtosis use in daily salinity prediction from multiple machine learning methods
Simulation and comparison of five estimators of variability in units of standard deviation for small samples drawn from normally distributed data
RESTORE/covESTUSAL, Source code for construction of covariates bound to daily salinity and specific conductance data for purposes of statistical modeling in coastal regions of the Gulf of Mexico, United States
aqtsra, Utilities for preprocessing raw and approved unit-value time-series hydrometeorological data before statistical endeavors
covMRVAgen1, Source code for construction of covariates bound to monthly groundwater levels for purposes of statistical modeling of water levels in the Mississippi River Valley alluvial aquifer
scNIDaregis, Geospatial processing of dams in the United States from the National Inventory of Dams with a state-level aggregation scheme, demonstrated for selected dams in eight states in south-central region of the United States, and post-processing fea
Source code in R for creation of regional regression equations for estimation of four hydraulic properties of streams at approximate bankfull conditions for different ecoregions in Texas associated with U.S. Geological Survey Scientific Investigations Rep
trajPipeFlow, Discharge from horizontal and vertical flowing pipes by trajectory methods
RESTORE/fdclmrpplo, Source code for estimation of L-moments and percent no-flow conditions for decadal flow-duration curves and estimation at level-12 hydrologic unit codes along with other statistical computations
*Disclaimer: Listing outside positions with professional scientific organizations on this Staff Profile are for informational purposes only and do not constitute an endorsement of those professional scientific organizations or their activities by the USGS, Department of the Interior, or U.S. Government