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Geohydrologic systems in Kansas — Geohydrology of the lower aquifer unit in the western interior plains aquifer system

January 1, 1993

The purpose of the investigation is to provide a description of the principal geohydrologic systems in Upper Cambrian through Lower Cretaceous rocks in Kansas. This investigation was made as part of the Central Midwest Regional Aquifer-System Analysis (CMRASA). The CMRASA is one of several major investigations by the U.S. Geological Survey of regional aquifer systems in the United States. These regional investigations are designed to increase knowledge of the flow regime and hydrologic properties of major aquifer systems and to provide quantitative information for the assessment, development, and management of water supplies. The CMRASA study area includes all or parts of 10 Central Midwestern States (Jorgensen and Signor, 1981), as shown of the envelope cover.

This Hydrologic Investigations Atlas, which consists of a series of chapters, presents a description of the physical framework and geohydrology of principal aquifers and confining systems in Kansas. Chapter H presents the geohydrology of the upper aquifer unit in the Western Interior Plains aquifer system. The physical framework of the aquifer system in relation to other systems is described by maps and sections showing areal extent and the thickness of rocks that compose the unit. The physical framework of the upper aquifer unit is described in detail in chapter D of the atlas (Hansen and others, in press). The hydrology of the system in relation to that of other systems is described in this chapter by maps showing the altitude of fluid levels and the direction of water movement within the unit. The chemical composition of water in the system is described by maps that show the distribution of dissolved-solids concentrations and the differences in water types on the basis of principal chemical constituents. Chapter A of this atlas series (Wolf and others, 1990) describes the relation of principal geohydrologic systems in Kansas and presents a more detailed discussion of the methods and data used to prepare and ensure consistency among the sets of maps.

Publication Year 1993
Title Geohydrologic systems in Kansas — Geohydrology of the lower aquifer unit in the western interior plains aquifer system
DOI 10.3133/ha722H
Authors J. F. Kenny, Cristi V. Hansen, R. J. Wolf
Publication Type Report
Publication Subtype USGS Numbered Series
Series Title Hydrologic Atlas
Series Number 722
Index ID ha722H
Record Source USGS Publications Warehouse
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