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Geohydrology of the Cross-Florida Barge Canal area, with special reference to the Ocala vicinity

January 1, 1970
The Cross-Florida Barge Canal route commences at Palatka on the St. Johns River, about 75 miles upstream from the Atlantic Ocean, and extends 110 miles southwestward across Peninsular Florida into deep water in the Gulf of Mexico near Yankeetown. The canal will be equipped with five locks, each 600 feet long and 84 feet wide, and the channel will be a minimum of 12 feet deep and 150 feet wide. From near Ocala northeastward, the canal channel will replace much of the natural channel of the Oklawaha River, and will be excavated into beds of the so-called shallow sand aquifer of Miocene and younger age, which overlies limestone of the Floridan aquifer. Westward from Ocala most of the canal will be excavated below the potentiometric surface into limestone and dolomite of the Floridan aquifer. Water levels of Rodman, Eureka, and Inglis Pools will be controlled by dams and spillways with limited exchange of water between the pools and the aquifers. The water levels in the Summit Pool will fluctuate with the natural changes in the ground-water level of the Floridan aquifer, although the stage of the pool will be partially controlled by the stage held in the Eureka Pool. A dynamic inflow-outflow relationship will exist between the Sun, nit Pool and the Floridan aquifer. The Floridan aquifer in the canal area is 1,000 to 1,200 feet thick and consists of limestone and dolomite of middle Eocene to Miocene age, including, from older to younger the Lake City, Avon Park and Ocala limestones plus permeable sandy, dolomitic limestone in the lower part of the Hawthorn Formation. It is possible that most of the flow to the two major springs in the area occurs in the upper 100 feet or so of the aquifer in the Ocala Limestone. The aquifer is underlain by the Oldsmar Limestone of early Eocene age and is overlain by sand, clayey sand, clay and shell beds of Miocene through Holocene age, ranging from a few feet to two or three hundred feet thick. The permeable beds overlying the Floridan aquifer constitute the shallow aquifer, while the poorly permeable ones act as confining beds where the Floridan aquifer is under artesian conditions. A north-south line drawn separating the head of Silver Springs on the west from the Oklawaha River on the east marks the approximate westward limit of a continuous blanket of Miocene-Pliocene(?) age materials covering the rocks of the Floridan aquifer. East of the line much of the aquifer is under artesian conditions, particularly in the Oklawaha River valley, although in some areas east of the valley direct recharge through thick permeable Miocene-Pliocene(?) sands occurs. West of the line, only scattered remnants of a once continuous Miocene-Pliocene(?) cover remains. Lack of the cover is a result of erosion on the crest and flanks of the Ocala Uplift, a broad northwest-southeast trending anticlinal upwarp, the axis of which is crossed by the canal route in the Dunnellon area. Over most of this area the Floridan aquifer is unconfined, and receives direct recharge through a cover of a few tens of feet of sand and clayey sand of Quaternary age. Tensional stresses during the structural evolution of the Ocala Uplift produced an intersecting system of fractures and normal faults in rocks of the Florida Aquifer. The fractures and faults are important controls for orientation of solution channels, and, therefore, for development of ground-water circulation patterns. When the system of surface streams which once drained the Barge Canal area eroded the poorly permeable Miocene-Pliocene(?) cover from the flanks of the Ocala Uplift, surface runoff was reduced and precipitation began to directly infiltrate the underlying limestones. Now only principal rivers, such as the Oklawaha and Withlacoochee Rivers, and a few short tributaries remain, while one of the most highly developed subsurface drainage systems in the world has evolved in the cavernous limestones of the Floridan aquifer. Two of the larger fresh water spr
Publication Year 1970
Title Geohydrology of the Cross-Florida Barge Canal area, with special reference to the Ocala vicinity
DOI 10.3133/ofr70121
Authors Glen L. Faulkner
Publication Type Report
Publication Subtype USGS Numbered Series
Series Title Open-File Report
Series Number 70-121
Index ID ofr70121
Record Source USGS Publications Warehouse
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