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Geologic and seismic investigations for relocation of Route 138 in Brockton, Mass., prospective cut, stations 169 to 180

January 1, 1954

This work was done to obtain geologic and seismic data that would aid in establishing grade for a segment of Route 138 between stations 169 and 180, and that would also be of value in estimating the nature and quantities of subsurface materials to be estimating the nature and quantities of subsurface materials to be excavated from the proposed cut. The work was performed in August 1952, as part of a cooperative program pf the Massachusetts Department of Public Works and the United States Geological Survey.

Publication Year 1954
Title Geologic and seismic investigations for relocation of Route 138 in Brockton, Mass., prospective cut, stations 169 to 180
DOI 10.3133/ofr54199
Authors James E. May, Raymond Miller
Publication Type Report
Publication Subtype USGS Numbered Series
Series Title Open-File Report
Series Number 54-199
Index ID ofr54199
Record Source USGS Publications Warehouse
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