Seventeen test wells were drilled at 12 sites in south central Dickson County, Tenn. Most of the sites were selected on the basis of carefully developed concepts of groundwater occurrence. These wells range from 20 to 400 feet deep and average 276 feet deep. The yields range from 0 to 300 gal/min and average 69 gal/min, with 6 wells yielding more than 100 gal/min. The water-bearing zones in rock that yield more than 50 gal/min are all between 100 and 200 feet below land surface. Sulfur gas was detected in two of the wells and large concentrations of iron were present in other wells. Capacity tests were conducted on those wells which yield more than 100 gal/min. The specific capacities of these wells range from 1.36 to 8.11 and average 3.46 gal/min for each foot of drawdown.