The U.S. Geological Survey R/V S.P. LEE (cruise L9-84-CP) left Majuro, Ratak chain of the Marshall Islands, on July 28, 1984 and reached Hawaii on August 15, 1984. The main objective of this cruise was to study the distribution and composition of ferromanganese-oxide crusts in the Marshall Islands area (Fig. 1). A total of 5410 km of 12-kHz and 3.5-kHz seismic-reflection data, and 730 km of 80-in3 to 148-in3 airgun seismic-reflection data were collected. A description of these data and the ship-tracklines are presented in Schwab and Bailey (1984). This open-file report describes the types of samples collected and tabulates the results of our preliminary geochemical analyses of the ferromanganese-oxide crusts.