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Geology of the Marysville mining district, Montana: A study of igneous intrusion and contact metamorphism

January 1, 1907

The Marysville mining district had been for many years previous to 1899 one of the noted gold-producing centers of Montana. The mines are situated around the margins of in irregular batholith of quartz diorite, whose surface exposure is from half a mile to 1 1/2 miles broad and 2 1/2 miles long. This invasion of igneous rock, which as shown on later pages of this report was primarily the cause of the location of the mineral wealth in this district, is but 6 miles at its nearest point from the exposed surface of the far greater Boulder batholith, a granitic mass which is petrographically a quartz monzonite in normal composition. The Boulder batholith possesses a general rudely rectangular form, occupying about 60 miles in latitude by about 35 in longitude, and holds within its confines the mining city of Butte, from which for many years past has poured a flood of silver and a quarter of the world's copper. Other smaller mining centers also lie within this large granitic area, while such important ore deposits as those of Elkhorn and Unionville, south of Helena, have been found about its margin. Thus the Boulder batholith, with the outlying related areas at Marysville and at Granite, constitutes one of the more important centers of mining for the precious metals within the United States. · The necessity of studying such regions from the scientific point of view is evident, not only in order to develop the phases of immediate economic bearing, such as the limits of occurrence of the ore deposits, the degree of their continuity in depth, and other similar questions, but also because of the broader bearing which such studies must have on theoretical and applied geology in general.

Publication Year 1907
Title Geology of the Marysville mining district, Montana: A study of igneous intrusion and contact metamorphism
DOI 10.3133/pp57
Authors Joseph Barrell
Publication Type Report
Publication Subtype USGS Numbered Series
Series Title Professional Paper
Series Number 57
Index ID pp57
Record Source USGS Publications Warehouse
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